Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Runaway Kid"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

You spoke, we listened.

Here it is, a spiritual successor to our Daily Andy Griffith Quiz

We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are! 

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two. 

Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Andy: "_________! I'm a Sheriff and I got my duty to do!"
  2. Who says "How can you run away from home if your folks know?"
  3. "I don't know how I am always gettin' my britches caught on my own pitchfork." Who said it?
  4. Andy: "Aw, why don't you turn yourself in peaceful-like, ______? You'll get a fair trial."
  5. "I'll die a little later on if I get the chance, though." Who said that?
  6. Opie: "First you say don't break a solemn promise. Now you say it's okay to break a solemn promise. You're sure _______, Pa."
  7. This is the last episode in which anyone mentions Andy and Barney are...
  8. "Are you signing this citation or ain't you?" Who said that?
  9. Barney: "You keep this up and I'm gonna have to draw your ______ next!"
  10. Andy: "I once knew a ______ that didn't even know how to fix a sore finger."

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Runaway Kid"

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 1 month ago
5/10. A lot harder than I had anticipated.
JMilburn 2 months ago
Damn! I missed the LAST ONE--i don't remember that line--they stumped me that time! 9/10
ColbysTonsorialParlor 3 months ago
10/10. Just call me Tex
AWWW--happy to oblige--HOWDY, TEX! 😊
Wendy57 4 months ago
Dadburnit !
Almost, Almost !
NipIt 4 months ago
9/10. One of my favorite episodes just because of the story Andy tells Opie about following rules and the drowning boy in the lake. I’ve used that story many times over the years with my kids. Another great life lesson from the Andy Griffith Show.
jodyh05 4 months ago
7/10. Oh well better luck next time. I’m going to make a peanut butter and sardine sandwich now.
MrsPhilHarris 4 months ago
5/10 Terrible.
Me too! I got the same score.
Maybe we will do better on the next quiz. 😁
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