Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Convicts-at-Large"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "These women are not armed, but can be dangerous. The leader is Big Maude Tyler, 5 feet 6 inches tall, dark hair, weight one hundred and seventy-five pounds."?
  2. Who says... "You're beginnin' to get to me."?
  3. Who says... "Oh, for the love of... NAOMI! The hamburgers are burning!"?
  4. Who says... "Maude! Al! If those hamburgers are ruined, I won't be responsible!"?
  5. Who says... "You shouldn't call a rich man by his first name!"?
  6. Who says... "Don't worry. Maude's a very clever woman. She'll think of something brilliant. Just watch."?
  7. Who says... "Will you stop callin' me Al?"
  8. Who says... "Just say you're up here with O'Malley and he's asked you to stay the night."?
  9. Who says... "In civvies I'm a little hard looking."?
  10. Who says... "Oh, how I loved that man!"?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Convicts-at-Large"

Your Result...

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Zip 4 days ago
Funny episode.
When you put Barney and Floyd together, along with those wacky convict girls, it's comedy gold.
Tbrew001 4 days ago
When the radio announcer describes Maude it sounded like they were looking for a man. Lol
tinkparker 6 days ago
10/10 Floyd was at his best in this episode
Coldnorth 6 days ago
6/10 memory foggy tonight, but I do remember it was my favorite episode at the time
paulbryars 6 days ago
9/10. Missed the last one. This was such a funny episode. Big Maude made it.
mda 7 days ago
8/10. Floyd is so funny in this episode.
frenchman71 7 days ago
I always thought O'Malley looked too old a man to help Andy capture 3 escaped convicts, even though they were women.
JHP frenchman71 7 days ago
just remember he was a judge on Perry Mason and could have helped Matlock convict Ralph Henderson and her trio back to the klink
He was also a police captain on another episode of TAGS
he was the boss of that hard arsch inspector that does NOT like frog giggin'
frenchman71 7 days ago
10/10. One of the best episodes. It was funny seeing Floyd sitting on the couch eating a banana enjoying the situation.
9/10. Hey Chuck! My absolute favorite episode, tied with Punch in the nose
tootsieg 7 days ago
6/10. Terrible and I LOVE this episode!!
ElizabethBoop 7 days ago
"I'll stop calling you Al if you'll stop calling me Ralph Henderson."
MrsPhilHarris 7 days ago
7/10 It would have been more had I not rushed and actually read the whole question. One of my favourite episodes!
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