Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''Barney Mends a Broken Heart''

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "I hate the outdoors. When I go out into the sun, I get the herpes."?
  2. Who says... "Some dates last a whole evening and some of 'em get over nice and early, like this one did."?
  3. Who says... "Don't sound like a date, either."?
  4. Who says... "No, I didn't get stood up! Have you seen my magazine?"?
  5. Who says... "Don! Wouldn't you know his name would be 'Don'?"
  6. Who says... "You'll never be lonely as long as I'm around."?
  7. Who says... "Well, he may be cheap but he's sincere."?
  8. Who says... "You beat everything, you know that?"
  9. Who says... "I could have been home watching the George Raft movie!"?
  10. Who says... "Well? You gonna ask us to sit down or... or is this leap year?"

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''Barney Mends a Broken Heart''

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sjbang88 12 days ago
3/10 without doubt my worst Andy quiz score, and I remember the episode
frenchman71 12 days ago
3/10. As you can tell by my score I hated this episode.
gockionni 12 days ago
8/10. Does anyone other than Andy say, “ You beat everything, you know that?”
Barney said it a few times
Calhoun1959 gockionni 12 days ago
Helen said it too when Ernest T. Bass fell in love with her
Coldnorth Calhoun1959 11 days ago
That proves Ernest T. Bass is a little off. In love with Helen Crumpet?
Bookman1963 13 days ago
Nothing to do with the episode, but is anyone else seeing something weird with their notification feed? The most recent like to my most recent comment is up, but the next one is from 150 days ago. Nothing I've posted in the last few days shows up there, although it does remain under my screen name.
paulbryars 13 days ago
4/10. I think this is my worst score of all time but I do remember the episode.
jodyh05 13 days ago
7/10. The fun girls all sound the same to me.
leeroyprice 13 days ago
Andy got a black eye, but I bet Andy ultimately took out that big doofus.
Jacki leeroyprice 13 days ago
I think so too.
Barney does say later on to Peggy that "Andy did all right" against the bully. Never respected Barney for just sitting there in the booth and not helping Andy while the fight took place off camera.
Schpash 13 days ago
See, this is the way I had it planned all along!
Buzzyleonard 13 days ago
Who you calling a squirt?
What are you going to do about it Ange?
Jacki Buzzyleonard 13 days ago
Ange gets a black eye...poor guy.
Buzzyleonard Jacki 13 days ago
Win your girl and lose your eye.
ColbysTonsorialParlor 13 days ago
10/10. I've got an idea, let's all go over to Daphne's and watch that George Raft movie on television, I'd kind of like to see that.
One of my favorite lines!!! 😂
Barney "Bernie" is a cheapskate. Lol 😂
Muleskinner Jacki 13 days ago
You know Bernie and Thelma Lou always go Dutch.
Jacki Muleskinner 13 days ago
I forgot. That's right. I remember an episode when Bernie brought over ice cream to Thelma Lou and she had to pay him. Yikes! Lol 😂😂
And he had to borrow money from Andy after church to pick up some frozen ice cream bars for Thel.
What a guy! Lol😄
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