Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Andy's Rich Girl Friend"

Hey... Who said that?!

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "Solid chromium with at least six or seven red reflectors."?
  2. Who says... "You see, I've been doing a little thinking, too, Sheriff, and I've come to a very interesting conclusion."?
  3. Who says... "Right. Life is different! They have a couple of nurses and they have a nanny!"?
  4. Who says... "Two nurses and a goat?"
  5. Who says... "That poor, blind fool. He don't know it but he's headed right for heartbreak alley."?
  6. Who says... "From the minute they're born with that silver spoon in their hands..."?
  7. Who says... "Escargot. Snails. You've had them, haven't you?"
  8. Who says... "Then after the bicycle age, they go off to what they call a refinishin' school."?
  9. Who says... "I've stepped on quite a few of 'em in my time, but I never have eaten one of 'em."?
  10. Barney: "Andy, I hate to have to tell you this but you're gonna have to __________!"

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Andy's Rich Girl Friend"

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Wendy57 19 days ago
I love the Escargot scene ! 🐌🐌🐌
Zip Wendy57 13 days ago
"I believe I'll just let the snails go by."

Ditto, Andy.
mda 20 days ago
8/10. I like Peg much better than Helen but for some reason Andy seemed to really thrive off of Helen's mean and nasty demeanor. The writers really picked up on this I believe.
I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that Andy and Helen were having a real life affair
I read that somewhere.
Zip mda 13 days ago
I blame her for making Andy so grouchy in the color episodes.
Zip 20 days ago

Aside from the snail thing, Andy should have stayed with her. In fact, all of these Peggy episodes could be retitled, "Andy the dufus for not staying with Peggy and instead hooking up with Helen Grump."
But I guess that title might have taken up too much of the screen.
Peanuts04 Zip 19 days ago
Well said lol and Peggy so sweet and genuine 🥰❤️💯
paulbryars 21 days ago
9/10. Missed the last one. I always liked Peggy’s Southern accent.
frenchman71 21 days ago
9/10. Got the last one wrong. Peg was the finest girl Andy dated. Even better than Helen Crump.
Jacki frenchman71 21 days ago
I think Andy and Peg made a better couple than Andy and Helen.
MikefromJersey Jacki 21 days ago
Amen sister. Peg was perfect for Andy, its a shame she was only in 4 episodes.
Peg aka Joanna Moore, her daughter Tatum won an Oscar.
9/10 That's the one I missed, too. I could hear everybody's voice and see the mannerisms in each question of the quiz! Although Joanna Moore was in only 4 episodes, they effectively explored the relationship between Andy and Peg: Andy's insecurity, jealousy, and fear of commitment. But as soon as he was feeling comfortable with Peggy, Opie felt that she was going to replace him. Great plots and great acting on all four episodes!
Zip frenchman71 20 days ago
You didn't even have to put in the "even."
Sweendog 22 days ago
10/10 - huge Joanna Moore fan. Beautiful and someone I wanted to be friends with 😃
I thought she was a great match for Andy, too.
Love all her episodes….
MikefromJersey Sweendog 21 days ago
She was excellent in "Route 66" and many other TV series.
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