Can you spot the difference between the first and last episodes of Perry Mason?

You have to be an eagle-eyed legal eagle to ace this!


A lot can happen over the course of a decade. If you're Perry Mason, you can win more than 200 court cases. In nine seasons from 1957 to 1966, Perry Mason defended his clients with a nearly perfect record. The Perry Mason mystery series set the standard for courtroom drama and midcentury style.

Of course, a lot can change over a decade, too. People grow older. Fashions evolve. Cast members come and go. 

Even if you have never seen the show, you can probably take a good guess at discerning the difference between the 1950s and 1960s. Try to spot the difference between "The Case of the Restless Redhead" and "The Case of the Final Fade-Out." (Note: We went with the first broadcast episode. "The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink" was technically the pilot of Perry Mason, but did not air until episode 13.)

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  1. Which car does Perry drive in the FIRST episode?
  2. Which image of Perry is from the LAST episode?
  3. Did Perry wear this plaid suit in the first episode or the last episode?
  4. Is this Della Street in the first episode or the last episode?
  5. Was Lt. Steve Drumm a policeman in the first episode or the last episode?
  6. Is this ad for New Blue Dutch Cleanser from the closing credits in the first episode or the last episode?
  7. Which one is the title screen from the FIRST episode?
  8. Which Hamilton Burger is from the LAST episode?
  9. Was Dick Clark in the first episode or the last episode?
  10. Was Perry Mason creator Erle Stanley Gardner the judge in the first episode or the last episode?
  11. Was Tragg in the first episode or the last episode?
  12. Is this masked man in the first episode or the last episode?
  13. Speaking of masks, which artwork was hanging above Perry's desk in the FIRST episode?

Can you spot the difference between the first and last episodes of Perry Mason?

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TonyClifton 34 months ago
0 out of 13. I never watched Perry Mason, but I figured I'd try my luck guessing.
JAWhitman 42 months ago
love that show then and now the reruns are great always catch something I missed the 1st 100. times of watching. 12/13
StarrL 46 months ago
Always a handsome guy. And that voice.
Geronimo 64 months ago
Not bad for someone who watched Perry Mason sparingly 👏
Pacificsun 64 months ago
I am fascinated by watching the cycle of these Perry Mason episodes. You can concentrate on something each time it starts over. And some of the plots (guilty characters) are so complicated, it's hard to remember. But what I notice most, is how much more affection existed between Street and Mason, the earlier the episodes. There was a lot of nuance. But by the last years those exchanges hardly existed. In fact Burr almost seemed depressed by the last years.
Runeshaper 64 months ago
You got 9 out of 13
You cracked the case! With detective skills like that, you could give Paul Drake a run for his money.

Some of those were tough, but it was a fun quiz!
anthony 64 months ago
12/13.A lot of lucky guesses.I usually don't even come close to doing this well on PM quizzes.
Rickey 64 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
You cracked the case! With detective skills like that, you could give Paul Drake a run for his money.
Also I checked Della hairdo. Also the lady with Lt. Tragg is Whitney Blake from Hazel. Also in this one is Gloria Henry from Dennis The Menace.
AnnaRentzVandenhazel 64 months ago
RE #4 - I didn't know Richard Anderson was a woman in the 60's. :D

Who is it really, I'm thinking that's June Lockhart but I'll accept any knowledgeable "correction".
I noticed that, too. Barbara Hale played Della Street throughout the entire run of PM. Hale was also the mother of actor William Katt. He played The Greatest American Hero in the '80s as well as Paul Drake, Jr. in the '80s Perry Mason TV movies.
Darrin 64 months ago
Question #4 about Della Street had answers that refer to Richard Anderson!
MrsPhilHarris 64 months ago
11/13 I couldn't remember when Dick Clark was on the show or the masked guy.
Pacificsun MrsPhilHarris 64 months ago
Clark was so young, and subtle an actor, from what he became known for in the later part of his life, that he was almost unrecognizable. I had to the check the credits to be sure. In fact, I never knew he was an actor. I only remember him being involved with music and as a host.
cperrynaples Pacificsun 64 months ago
He was an actor, but not a very good one as he almost always played himself!
Muleskinner 64 months ago
13/13. PM is my favorite METV program.
DouglasMorris 64 months ago
9/13! missed numbers 2,8,9 and 13.
Faye 64 months ago
I got 13/13 correct. It was easy peasy. I'm a big fan of Perry Mason and watches it daily.
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