Can you remember the lyrics to Billy Joel's ''We Didn't Start the Fire''?

It was always burning, since the world's been turning

 The Everett Collection

As the band at the Catalina Wine Mixer in Step Brothers proclaimed, "We strictly do '80s Joel music, sir!"

With that, a quiz about one of Billy's final singles of that decade. But, Joel looks back at the eras before, so the lyrics touch on events from the previous forty or so years!

So let's see how well you can recall the finer details of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire". Try your best to fill in the blanks, and then be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

Good luck, have fun, and try not to do any arsons today.

  1. "Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, _________"
  2. "Studebaker, _________, North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe"
  3. "________, The King And I, And The Catcher In The Rye"
  4. "Davy Crockett, _________, Elvis Presley, Disneyland"
  5. "Princess Grace, Peyton Place, Trouble in the _______"
  6. "Little Rock, Pasternak, _________, Kerouac"
  7. "Hula Hoops, Castro, ______ is a no-go"
  8. "Ole Miss, John Glenn, ______ beats Patterson"
  9. "Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, _________"
  10. "Rock and Roller _____ wars, I can't take it anymore"

Can you remember the lyrics to Billy Joel's ''We Didn't Start the Fire''?

Your Result...

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marmetv20 4 months ago
2/10. I don't care for Billy Joel and it shows.
gbell marmetv20 4 months ago
I don’t mind him but I also got 2/10 🤣
Amalthea 4 months ago
One of my daughter's high school classes asked kids to work in partners and come up with another verse to follow a verse they were given. My daughter & her partner were called up first. Since they were both in the music department, not only did they come up with a credible verse...but they SANG it! Nobody wanted to follow them. (Side note: my daughter is now in college, majoring in vocal performance.)
Doug 4 months ago
I thought it was "trouble in the Silhouettes" a misunderstanding between group members. Thought "Tricky Dick" would be in the quiz. At least once.
CurleyHoward 4 months ago
2/10 Couldn’t even start a smolder 👎🏽
IdaKnow56 4 months ago
"Look at you, ya pyromaniac!" I may be quite a red-hot gal, but I'm nobody's fuel.
scp 4 months ago
Ten out of ten. In a few cases it helps that the correct answer was the one that fit the rhythm best.
8176Morgan 4 months ago
10/10 Way to go a perfect score I only wish I could get them more. I didn't know the lyrics to the song but you can figure out the right answers just by the time period of each question, plus a little bit of guess work!🙂
CortneyNicole 4 months ago
4/10 Not a fan of Billy Joe's music but I took a randomly guess tho..😄
chris70 4 months ago
8 of 10....any guy who could get Christy brinkley to marry him, I've got to be s fan of.
JHP chris70 4 months ago
YO! she still has her fastball:)
BenSobeleone 4 months ago
Well anyway, a bottle of white. A bottle of red. Perhaps a bottle of rose instead.
JHP BenSobeleone 4 months ago
for me sipping and I DO mean sipping Woodford Reserve
Moverfan BenSobeleone 4 months ago
You can have anything you want at our Italian restaurant...
Coldnorth Moverfan 21 days ago
I thought that was Alice’s restaurant lol still love. That song
MaryAnn 4 months ago
A very, VERY easy 10/10 for me. Back in the day, I watched the video and looked up every single name/ event mentioned that
I was unfamiliar with. Lol, I used to think it said, “Trouble in the sewers!” 🐀
Coldnorth MaryAnn 21 days ago
Don’t know he he had enough air in his lungs to get through all the words. Who can. Sing so fast
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