Can you name the show by its Halloween decorations?
These ooky ornaments and spooky decorations were seen all over classic TV.

We love Halloween episodes. It's always fascinating to see how our favorite characters will dress up in costume. It says a lot about their personality. Take Hawkeye's Superman outfit on M*A*S*H, for example.
To celebrate the holiday, some shows throw a Halloween party, while others send their characters into creepy mansions or ghost encounters. We grabbed some freeze frames from some memorable haunted house and Halloween episodes. Try to name them all!
Which show are these ghosts from?
Do you recognize this costume party?
What show is this decked-out doorstep from?
Do you recognize this show?
These Halloween decorations are from...
This spooky scene is from a classic episode of which show?
What sitcom is this spooky decor from?
Which Seventies show are these decorations from?
These candy-filled Jack-o'-Lanterns are from...
This freshly-carved pumpkin is from which sitcom?
What show are these trick-or-treaters from?
Image: Sony Pictures Television
This spooky mansion is from...
What show is this rockin' party from?

Can you name the show by its Halloween decorations?
Your Result...
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13 for 13
"You are spooky good at TV trivia! That merits an entire plastic pumpkin full of candy.
Hope you like candy corn."
"You are spooky good at TV trivia! That merits an entire plastic pumpkin full of candy.
Hope you like candy corn."
You got 12 out of 13! - You are spooky good at TV trivia! That merits an entire plastic pumpkin full of candy. Hope you like candy corn. Missed only #10. Never liked or watched The Addams Family or The Munsters (both waaaaaaaaaaaay to unealistic) so I guessed Petticoat Junction. I'll take it.
12 out of 13. some were lucky guesses. The black & white shows made it easier because only a few shows were in black & white.