Can you I.D. these classic shows turned into oil paintings?

This quiz is as pretty as a picture!

Ready to test your eye to see how much you appreciate the art of classic TV?

We've transformed scenes from 10 hit shows into oil paintings to see if you know your shows in any shade, or if maybe you need to brush up on some classics. Only the keenest eyes can spot 8/10. Good luck!
  1. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  2. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  3. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  4. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  5. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  6. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  7. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  8. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  9. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:
  10. Stare deeply into the painting and tell us which classic TV show you see:

Can you I.D. these classic shows turned into oil paintings?

Your Result...

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BruceETheobald 32 months ago
Either I'm really good at this or they need a more abstract painter. :)
RedjacArbez 42 months ago
#4 is N0T Star Trek. It is Deep Space 9 (Trials and Tribble-ations). Notice Chief Miles O'Brien and Dr. Bashear.
Snickers RedjacArbez 41 months ago
No it is Star Trek That's Scotty and Chekov.
DerekBird 42 months ago
That's it? That took me about 30 seconds
Easiest quiz I've done.

.You got 10 out of 10
It's just a fact of life: You're really good at this.
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
It's just a fact of life: You're really good at this.
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
It's just a fact of life: You're really good at this.

That was trippy LOL
ValT 66 months ago
Number 4 is actually Star Trek: Deep Space 9, not original series. It's from the episode Trials & Tribble-ations. The way you can tell is that in the original scene, there's a gold shirt to Chekov's left. The red shirt is Miles O'Brien, from DS9.
DerekBird ValT 42 months ago
Yes, you're right and it was the best episode of Deep Space Nine's 7 seasons. It was so well done that it looked seamless. I loved it so much that I give it ******/*****.
RedjacArbez ValT 42 months ago
NOt to mention the good Dr. Bashear is in there too.
Snickers RedjacArbez 41 months ago
I would have to disagree.
Kenson 72 months ago
10/10. Needed this layup to rebuild my confidence.
djw1120 Kenson 69 months ago
I don't need to build up my confidence.
This was sooooo easy.
MrBill 73 months ago
10/10; very easy quiz - I breezed right thru it.
rhv3 73 months ago
I missed the Full House , Saved by the bell and facts of life ...never watched those shows always miss questions when they are the subject ...otherwise ...perfect
DerekBird rhv3 42 months ago
Only Facts of Life was one of the "questions. No wonder you missed the other two.
boopinbama 73 months ago
so easy I bet everyone gets all 10
EllisClevenger 73 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
It's just a fact of life: You're really good at this.
AndrewHass 73 months ago
I was 10/10 but it was an easy quiz.
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