Can you guess whose name came first in the opening credits of 1970s shows?

Think back to the very first season!

In the very first season of many 1970s shows, the chemistry of the characters was still being ironed out. In some series, different characters emerged as standouts, receiving higher billing in the opening credits than they did in that very first season. 

This brings us to today's game: Can you guess whose name appeared first in the opening credits of the debut season of hit Seventies shows?

Think back to the very first season and ponder what you know about these actors' careers during this time. Who was already a star and who did these shows turn into stars? Good luck!
  1. In the first season of The Brady Bunch, whose name came first in the opening credits: Florence Henderson or Robert Reed?
  2. In the first season of Happy Days, Ron Howard has top billing, but whose name came first in the opening credits after his: Marion Ross or Anson Williams?
  3. In the first season of Mork & Mindy, whose name came first in the opening credits: Pam Dawber or Robin Williams?
  4. In the first season of Charlie's Angels, whose name came first in the opening credits: Farrah Fawcett or Kate Jackson?
  5. In the first season of The Odd Couple, whose name came first in the opening credits: Jack Klugman or Tony Randall?
  6. In the first season of The Jeffersons, whose name came first in the opening credits: Sherman Hemsley or Isabel Sanford?
  7. In the first season of M*A*S*H, Alan Alda gets top billing, but whose name came first in the opening credits after his: Wayne Rogers or McLean Stevenson?
  8. In the first season of WKRP in Cincinnati, whose name came first in the opening credits: Gordon Jump or Gary Sandy?
  9. In the first season of Taxi, Judd Hirsch gets top billing, but whose name came first in the opening credits after his: Jeff Conaway or Danny DeVito?
  10. In the first season of Laverne & Shirley, both actors' names appear at the same time, but which one is higher up on the screen: Penny Marshall or Cindy Williams?

Can you guess whose name came first in the opening credits of 1970s shows?

Your Result...

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x60hz11 57 months ago
Not that MeTV reads these comments but I actually had to stop taking this quiz midway because of this stupid ad format of shrinking the screen. I will not be taking these quizzes anymore.
ttenchantr x60hz11 19 months ago
Ad blockers are free and plentiful.
ECO473 67 months ago
The Odd Couple had the perfect star billing: Starring: Tony Randall; Starring: Jack Klugman. Thus there is no doubt that both of them were the stars. R.I.P. to both of them.
STTOS 68 months ago
You got 6 out of 10 - Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Who cares who gets top billing? They're all great! Not one of my better efforts. Missed the first two and the last two. How symmetrical of me. Outsmarted myself on #1 and #2. Thought that since the "lovely lady" was mentioned first in the theme song that she would get top billing. And I thought for sure that Anson Williams got second billing because the show was mostly about Richie and Potsie in the first season. Oh well.
bobb9343 73 months ago
3/10. Yuk, But on a scale of 1 to 10 ...
DoubleNaughtSpy 73 months ago
10/10 - Heck fire! Not bad for a Double Naught Spy and Sophisticated International Playboy, eh?
mimi2 DoubleNaughtSpy 73 months ago
LOL! Keep practicing your "gazinta's"
Allison 73 months ago
4/10 - i knew i wasnt going to do well. i don't usually watch the opening credits unless the show is going on at the same time behind them and then I'm watching the show not reading
Wiseguy 73 months ago
#10 is misleading. It implies that one star got top billing. When one name is in the upper right and the other in lower left, that's EQUAL billing. When you read from left to right you read one name first but if you read from top to bottom you read the OTHER name first. That's equal billing. Other shows have done that including Cheers with Ted Danson and Shelly Long.
daDoctah Wiseguy 73 months ago
I've always been tickled by the way this issue was handled for the movie "Boeing Boeing", where both Jerry Lewis and Tony Curtis wanted top billing. In the movie's opening credits, both names appear in a rotating circle so there's no way to say either one is on top of the other.
Wiseguy 73 months ago
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Wiseguy garykevinware 73 months ago
Just what I said. It implies that one of the stars got top billing. It doesn't mention where the other name was in relation to the top name.
MrsPhilHarris 73 months ago
5/10 Awful. I thought I would have done much better.
DiscoDave 73 months ago
8/10 Missed #2 and #6. I guess Weezy had more chomp with Norman Lear at the time, than Sherman.
cperrynaples DiscoDave 73 months ago
It proably had to do with the fact that Sanford did more AITF episodes than Hemsley! Remember that George's brother came on first because Hemsley wasn't available!
ErinWard 73 months ago
Boy did I screw that one up. 3/10.
JeffTanner 73 months ago
You got 6 out of 10-----------Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Who cares who gets top billing? They're all great!
AndrewHass 73 months ago
I was 6/10 but i got the last 4 correct.
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