Can you guess which TV characters drank these beverages?
We have a thirst for TV trivia.

What's your drink of choice? You don't have to answer that.
That being said, we do want you to match the following drinks to TV characters.
Read the clues and try to guess which classic television characters sipped these beverages! Good luck!
Which M*A*S*H character was fond of Grape Nehi?
This M*A*S*H character had the following martini recipe: "You pour six jiggers of gin into a glass and then you drink it while staring at a picture of Lorenzo Schwartz, the inventor of vermouth."
This character loved to mix milk and Pepsi. Yes, together!
This 1970s detective's favorite drink was milk.
Which cartoon character downs Duff Beer?
Which cartoon character loved a cold Cactus Coola?
Which Star Trek captain preferred Earl Grey tea?
This detective said of himself: "I'm a cream soda kind of guy."
Who is drinking this hangover cure: orange juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, raw egg.
She famously dipped a dill pickled into a papaya milkshake.
Which two brothers were fond of drinking sherry?

Can you guess which TV characters drank these beverages?
Your Result...
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You got 5 out of 11
Did that leave a bad taste in your mouth? Better luck next time!
Didn't know most of those, but it was cool to see the beverages of choice :)
Did that leave a bad taste in your mouth? Better luck next time!
Didn't know most of those, but it was cool to see the beverages of choice :)