Can you guess the TV show from the letter S in its title alone?

Guess the "S"!


Ssssss! This quiz sizzles! 

Yep, we've gathered a whole mess of S's. Each of them appears in the title screen of a classic television show.

See if you can guess the "S"! Good luck!

Can you guess the TV show from the letter S in its title alone?

Your Result...

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DerekBird 43 months ago
You got 13 out of 14
How super did you do? Share your score!

Missed #12.
CaroleThorpe 62 months ago
You got 14 out of 14
How super did you do? Share your score!
littledebbie 63 months ago
This was pretty easy. I got 13/14. I only missed #11
JeffTanner 64 months ago
I got 13 out of 14 correct. Got #11 WRONG!
64 months ago
I tried to tape The Invisible Man, so we could watch iy when we got home. But that cornball, "Svenghoolie," who stole all his schtick from Soupy Sales, hogged so much airtime that we didn't get to see the rest of the movie. Get rid of him! PLEASE!!!
Runeshaper 64 months ago
You got 12 out of 14

11 & 13 got me! LOL
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