Can you guess the shape of these discontinued cereals?
Follow your nose, it always knows!

Some of the most unique breakfast cereals have long been gone from our shelves, but the biggest fans who ate bowl after bowl could never forget each and every bite.
While many of these cereals also featured unique designs, there were also plenty of cereals that went with that classic shape: the perfect circle of a ringed Cheerio or Fruit Loop.
Below, we present a menu of bygone breakfast cereals with funny names to see if you can guess if these cereals were shaped like Os, or if the marketers got a little more creative with the shapes they chose. Only the sweetest breakfast aficionad-Os will score 8/10. Good luck!
In the mid-'80s, Dunkin' Donuts debuted a cereal. Did it have pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
In the late 1950s, Kellogg debuted Kellogg's OKs. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
In 1965, Quisp cereal hit the shelves. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
Corny Snaps debuted in the 1970s and were around until the 1980s. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
Sir Grapefellow debuted in the early 1970s. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
In the early 1990s, the popularity of the TV show Family Matters led to the creation of Urkel-Os. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
In the mid-1960s, Cornados blasted onto shelves. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
In the mid-1980s, Kellogg's came out with OJ's. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
Fruit Brute was on shelves from 1974 until about 1982. Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?
Last cereal comes from 1984, when a box of C3PO's came with a Star Wars mask! Did it have at least some pieces shaped like a ring/O/perfect circle?

Can you guess the shape of these discontinued cereals?
Your Result...
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The new commenting system sucks!
6/10! Didn't remember these cereals too well because I didn't eat them! I did know that OJ's had nothing to do with the football player. Wouldn't it have been weird if someone made a Cosby cereal...LOL!!