Can you find the one ''Family'' TV show title that we made up?
Find the faux "Family" series.

Some shows take "family television" quite literally — they put "Family" right in the title!
"Family" titles have been used for everything from animation to drama to comedy.
Below, you will find 20 titles. One of them is fake. We made it up. See if you can find the phony "Family" show!

Which "Family" title is not a real television show?

Can you find the one ''Family'' TV show title that we made up?
Your Result...
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Took me a slew of tries - never heard of about 6 of them? Never watched Dick Sergeant either....
I got it on the first try
I got the answer on the 7th try -- Smith Family Robinson. I got it confused with Swiss Family Robinson. I never saw Swiss Family Robinson, but I've heard of it.