Can you complete the titles of these beloved children's books?
Everybody read Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary.

They won Newbery Medals. They have sold millions and millions of copies — in dozens of languages. Odds are, if you grew up at any point in, oh, the last half-century or so, you read some of these classic children's books.
Or perhaps you read them to your children. The genius of these books is that they appeal to every generation. Most of them have been made into films — live-action and cartoon.
See if you can complete the titles. Pick the correct image that fills in the correct word.
Good luck! Try to get an A+ from the teacher!
Goodnight _______?
Charlotte's _______?
Harold and the Purple _______?
Ralph S. _______?
Tales of a _______ Grade Nothing?
The Mouse and the _______?
Where the _______ Ends?
_______ to Terabithia?
The Phantom _______?
The _______ in Times Square?

Can you complete the titles of these beloved children's books?
Your Result...
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* & When I saw a book cover with fancy ornate lettering "The Canterbury Tales" I misread it as "The Centerburg Tales", the 2nd book of Homer Price stories!
You got 4 out of 11
Not quite. Don't worry — we're not going to ask you to write a book report. But you should at least watch the movies and television shows.
I never read fiction unless it's about Greek Mythology, Legends (Robin Hood) or comics.
Not quite. Don't worry — we're not going to ask you to write a book report. But you should at least watch the movies and television shows.
I never read fiction unless it's about Greek Mythology, Legends (Robin Hood) or comics.
You got 6 out of 11
Not quite. Don't worry — we're not going to ask you to write a book report. But you should at least watch the movies and television shows.
The Mouse and The Motorcycle = AWESOME! :)
Not quite. Don't worry — we're not going to ask you to write a book report. But you should at least watch the movies and television shows.
The Mouse and The Motorcycle = AWESOME! :)