Love 'em or loathe 'em, you will never eat these 10 black licorice treats again
Here are some acquired tastes you can never acquire.

There are two kinds of taste buds — those that enjoy black licorice and those that recoil at the confection. The candy is one of the most divisive flavors in the food kingdom. Just calling it a "candy" might make some people upset.
We know firsthand, as the office was quite divided over whether to mourn or celebrate the bygone black licorice of the past. The licorice lovers have won out, and we are celebrating this acquired taste.
In the past, black licorice was far more common in the States. There was black licorice gum, black licorice chews, ice cream and more. Today, licorice addicts snatch up bulk bags of Scotty dogs, licorice pipes and allsorts. But licorice has slowly been vanishing from American candy shops. Some of the items on this list were available fairly recently, but have gone away.
If you're missing the stuff, book a trip to northern Europe, where Finns and Danes literally pour licorice on everything, including potato chips and yogurt.
1. The Beatles licorice records

Bubblegum records were once common collectible chews, but black licorice was a superior take on candy albums. It felt like biting into a real vinyl record. Naturally, the Beatles slapped their faces on "Long Eating Licorice Records," just as they did with every conceivable bit of merchandise. The black candy matched their boots, hair and jackets.
Image: Hakes
2. Ben-Hurs

Looking akin to burnt charcoal briquettes, these anise-flavored hard candies were quite popular around the time Ben-Hur hit theaters. Today, you can find similar treats, but not the real Ben-Hurs.
3. Bit O'Licorice

Perhaps the makers of Bit-O-Honey felt their mainstay candy was not divisive enough. The brand upped its love-it-or-loathe-it factor with a licorice variety, releasing Bit O'Licorice in 1969. It cost just a nickel!
4. Black Bat Licorice

The official candy of goths and people who only dress as vampires for Halloween! Thanks to rocker Jack White, who dropped his single "That Black Bat Licorice" a few years ago, there's some name recognition for Black Bat licorice. But not enough to bring it back.
Image: churchofhalloween
5. Black Cat Gum

Ever wanted to chew licorice — and never have it go away? Enter licorice gum! This packaging looks a bit like cheap fireworks.
Image: roadfood
6. Black Jack Gum

Now, Black Jack was the licorice gum. It stuck around (hur hur) for decades, but vanished from production fairly recently. We love how the original packaging said, "Good for the Throat." They were always trying to convince us that candy and soda were medicine in the early 20th century.
8. Sen-Sen

Not truly a licorice this "mouth perfume" tasted similar to an amaro liqueur, with bitter floral notes balancing the sweet anise taste. We found the little tear-open packets of it a few years back, but it has since ceased production.
Image: licoriceinternational
9. Tiger-Tiger Ice Cream

Orange and licorice might strike youngsters as an unusual flavor combination, but this frozen box could once be found in grocery cases half a century ago.
Image: kitschyliving
10. Y&S Stick Licorice

Like Black Jack, Y&S positioned itself as medicinal. The side of the box declared, "The Old-Fashioned Relief for COUGHS and COLDS." The candy itself looked like a cross between a clarinet and a stepped-on Tootsie roll.
Image: wdpickers / eBay

Happy Easter to all!! 🐰🐣🐇
And Sen-Sen, more than a candy, was used by discreet gentlemen in the era of Prohibition to mask the scent of liquor on their breath.
Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
"Licorice with glycyrrhizin may cause serious side effects. Too much glycyrrhizin causes a condition called pseudoaldosteronism, which can cause a person to become overly sensitive to a hormone in the adrenal cortex. This condition can lead to headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, and even heart attacks."