Remembering Josie Lloyd, who played both the mayor's daughter and Goober's gal in Mayberry

Her famous father opened the door to Hollywood. She later led a very private life.

Last month, Norman Lloyd passed away. At the age of 106, he was the oldest living television star. You might encounter Lloyd while watching Alfred Hitchcock. The New Jersey native appeared in several episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents — and directed even more episodes of Presents and The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. Decades later, Lloyd portrayed Dr. Daniel Auschlander on St. Elsewhere. In his early 70s at the time, he was a mentor to cast members like Helen Hunt and Mark Harmon.

Lloyd's obituaries understandably focused on his age and his well-known roles. But there was one piece of information that went overlooked in the news stories.

The Washington Post reported, "His daughter, Susanna Baird, who had acted under the name Josie Lloyd, died in 2020."

We knew Baird as Josie Lloyd, as that is how she was billed on The Andy Griffith Show. The younger Lloyd appeared four times on the beloved sitcom — as two different characters. Her two characters both had some major inconsistencies.

She first turned up in Mayberry as Mayor Pike's daughter, Juanita Pike, in "Mayberry Goes Hollywood." Wearing glasses, the bookish young woman sings "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton." A few weeks later, Ms. Pike appeared again in "The Beauty Contest," only this time her name was "Josephine."

The lovely J. Pike was never seen again, mostly because Dick Elliott, who played Mayor Pike, died in 1961. But Lloyd would return — as a date for both Andy and Goober.

In season three, the actress was cast as Lydia Crosswaithe, a friend of Thelma Lou. Barney sets her up with Andy in "Barney Mends a Broken Heart." Lydia would return two years later for "Goober and the Art of Love," only this time she was dating Goober Pyle. In another case of broken continuity, Lydia does not seem to be friends with Thelma Lou.

The important thing, though, is that Lloyd is charming in her handful of Mayberry appearances. She serves up silly lines like, "I hate the outdoors. When I go out into the sun, I get the herpes."

Elsewhere, Lloyd unsurprisingly guest-starred on The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, thanks to her dad's connection. After a couple more TV gigs, she disappeared from acting in 1967. 

Information about her life is hard to come by after that point, aside from her marriage in the Baird family of puppeteers. We were unable to pinpoint the day of her passing, other than the "2020" that was reported. But at least she lives on in Mayberry.

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DickieLong 24 months ago
I always liked her appearances on the AGS, deadpan funny to a T. She was quite a looker too, understated beauty.
jacko3 28 months ago
.. GOD be with you - Josie Lloyd for Eternity
denny 30 months ago
Lasted known picture I could find of her.

LH 37 months ago
I loved her deadpan delivery when Barney was trying to hook Andy with her!!
PilotTom 38 months ago
Gee , MeTv WFOX channel 30.2 in Jacksonville Florida is showing two Andy Griffith shows tonight ! Thank you very much !
Phylo 38 months ago
I always thought she was a cutie pie. I would have asked her out for a date in a heartbeat.
38 months ago
Josie Lloyd was a delight on TAGS. I'm sorry to hear she passed away. I hope she knew how beloved she was by fans of the show.
PilotTom 38 months ago
No Mayberry for Northeast Florida area !!!!!!!! MeTv which airs on our local WFOX channel 30.2 will not air Andy nor answer emails as to why not .
PilotTom 38 months ago
How awful! And stupid!
John 38 months ago
The scene where they were arguing about who was going to sit where in the car and Andy, Barney and Goober all ended up in the front seat and the girls in the back was pretty funny.
John 38 months ago
Barney :" Goober keeps hanging around , dragging that albatross along".
MikefromJersey 38 months ago
Just an aside but today I watched the Return to Mayberry movie that MeTV ran last month. And
like last year, the sync is still off, one second yes but still annoying.
I politely pointed this out last year in a note to the honchos here, but no go. This is TV engineering
101, it can't be that much effort to fix the version they have.
Muleskinner 38 months ago
She hated to chit-chat. She didn’t mind an ordinary conservation, but she hated chit-chat.
Muleskinner 38 months ago
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gwendolyn Muleskinner 38 months ago
I remember her saying that, Hilarious! 😂
Krn Muleskinner 38 months ago
That episode is flawless. She played that part so well 🙂. And Andy stopping the car to retrieve her bow. Priceless!
rleary1 Muleskinner 38 months ago
Besides chit-chat, she hates the outdoors (problem with the sun lol) and she hates the guitar! I always loved her dead-pan delivery!
MikefromJersey 38 months ago
Josie Lloyd, if she had continued as a character actress could have had a nice career as a
typecast "mousie" type. Hollywood no longer cultivates those faces you have seen a 100 times,
can't name but they are perfect in their niche, like Charles Lane. Who is Charles Lane you ask?
Exactly, but if you saw his mug you'd know him in a heartbeat.
These "third banana" types cost more money, so today productions cast any warm body instead.
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AnnieM MikefromJersey 37 months ago
The video is terrible quality, but it's the only one I could find:
MikefromJersey AnnieM 37 months ago
Annie, Thanks for sharing the Burt Mustin video, it was neat. Johnny Carson had him on a
couple of times, he OWNED the joint.
AnnieM MikefromJersey 37 months ago
He certainly was something. Oh, and remember who I guess could be called his counterpart, Merrie Earle? She was also a frequent Carson guest, and was just as fun.
AnnieM 37 months ago
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Kenner 38 months ago
If she ate a certain thing she would get a case of the ‘herpes,’ I think when she was Goobers date, as I recall.
Kenner eurogenes 38 months ago
Uh, yeah...she did say ‘herpes.’ Ok ok it’s when she went out in the sun. 🙄
Maverick66 Kenner 38 months ago
I'm pretty sure she was talking about herpes 1, which is the virus that causes cold sores in a person's mouth or on the lips. It's not a reference to herpes 2, which is the one that affects the nether regions. This was TAGS in the early '60s, after all, STD allusions wouldn't fly in those days.
Kenner Maverick66 38 months ago
Thanks for the explanation, Doc. 😀
Maverick66 Kenner 38 months ago
You're welcome, Bugs. 😄 (Couldn't help but go Looney Toons on you after reading your response).
Kenner 38 months ago
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LoveMETV22 Maverick66 38 months ago
Lol! . That episode was on a few days ago. They so just wanted to give her the brush off.
harlow1313 38 months ago
As a pin up gal, I place Lydia Crosswaithe right up there with Jethrine Bodine! Va-va-va-voom!
harlow1313 38 months ago
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MikefromJersey harlow1313 38 months ago
You wrote:
"...Jethrine Bodine! Va-va-va-voom!"
Jethrine? You are one sick puppy, Harlow. :)
I shudder to think of your reaction if Hoss Cartwright and Hop Sing got in drag as well.
harlow1313 MikefromJersey 38 months ago
Well, I did rather fancy Miss Hathaway.
Jayme 38 months ago
She hated the outdoors.. the sun gave her the herpes... actual line from the show.
eurogenes Jayme 38 months ago
Not quite
Jayme 38 months ago
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Maverick66 38 months ago
"Goober, would you tell her to quit hanging her head out of the window like a dog?" 😛

She made the most out of her appearances on TAGS.
Maverick66 38 months ago
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Maverick66 38 months ago
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