Radar's sophisticated love interest was the original Gloria from ''All in the Family''

Before Sally Struthers, another woman played the Bunkers' daughter.

In the season one M*A*S*H episode "Love Story," Radar gets his heart broken. After Radar keeps slipping in his duties, Hawkeye investigates and discovers a recorded "Dear John" letter, in which Radar's girlfriend dumps him and has a new man. Radar is so despondent that Hawkeye and Trapper hatch a plot to get him a new woman — a pretty new nurse in the 4077th.

The nurse, Lieutenant Louise Anderson, has sophisticated tastes and likes classical music and literature. Hawkeye and Trapper coach Radar on how to impress her, leading to Radar stumbling through lines like "Ah, Bach!" and "That's highly significant".

Anderson was played by Kelly Jean Peters, a familiar face on TV. She appeared on favorites such as Love, American Style, Bonanza, and even The Monkees. But one of her biggest roles went buried for years.

All in the Family is still considered one of the most influential and groundbreaking sitcoms of all time. The show tackled topics like racism, war, and religion, combining classic sitcom laughs with more serious moments. When the show premiered in 1971, it was with the family we all know today — Carroll O'Connor as patriarch Archie Bunker, Jean Stapleton as Edith Bunker, Sally Struthers as their daughter Gloria and Rob Reiner as son-in-law Michael.

But before it was All in the Family, it was called Justice for All. That's right, the original pilot wasn't even called All in the Family. Instead of the Bunker family, we had the Justice family. O'Connor and Stapleton still played Archie and Edith Justice, but Gloria and her husband — this time named Richard and Irish, not Polish — were played by different people. Richard was Tim McIntire, and Gloria was Radar's "Love Story" love interest herself, Kelly Jean Peters.

After seeing Justice for All, ABC was interested, but not entirely sold. They funded another pilot with some changes. This one was called Those Were The Days. O'Connor and Stapleton returned again, but this time Gloria was played by Candice Azzara and "Richard" was Chip Oliver.

At this point, ABC became nervous about potential pushback to such a controversial show. CBS, looking to move away from rural programming, picked it up instead, and it became the show we all know and love today.

The Justice for All pilot stayed buried for years, although these days you can hunt it down on YouTube. Even though Kelly Jean Peters didn't get to be Gloria during the show's run, she still did alright for herself — and five years later, she turned up at the 4077th to be wooed by Radar.

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MichaelPowers 28 months ago
Kelly Jean Peters guest-starred on the first episode aired of The Green Hornet, "The Silent Gun," and on The Invaders, "Dark Outpost."
LanceMcCrickard 28 months ago
MeTV, you need to proofread your articles. I spotted another punctuation error.
Commas and periods always come before the “end quote” in American English.
LarryAJacobsen 28 months ago
They sang "Gee, our old LaSalle ran great" in this pilot. on the CBS series it sounded like "We are all a sour red grape"
UTZAAKE 42 months ago
Justice for All.
Those Were the Days.
Yes, the same Chip Oliver who once played for the Oakland Raiders.
denny UTZAAKE 42 months ago
Thanks for uploading.
WilliamJBarnes4 42 months ago
I didn’t know she played Gloria on all in the family but I love her in MASH because she played her part in MASH very well and who wouldn’t because she is a beautiful woman.
LoveMETV22 WilliamJBarnes4 42 months ago
She played the part of Gloria. There were two pilots prior to All in the Family being released. The 1st was called "Justice for All". That is the pilot she appeared in. It was three years before the series started.
JHP 42 months ago
hate to say it

but that blonde he was yakking to when he was heading home in that airport hanger

was so angelic and pretty - I want to drive to Missouri -COVID and all to find her

Moverfan JHP 42 months ago
Depending on how well she and Radar got along after that episode ended and if he managed to track her down somehow, you may want to try the O'Reilly farm in Iowa first.
WILD 42 months ago
You can call it Pepsi and I still wouldn't like it. I'd love the name but still HATE the show.
vinman63 42 months ago
All in the Family spawn Maude, Good Times, Jeffersons, and the flops Archie Bunkers Place and Gloria
denny vinman63 42 months ago
Archie Bunkers Place wasn't a flop, it ranked 11, 13, 12, and 22 for each season it ran.
AgingDisgracefully 42 months ago
All In The Family didn't tackle.
It touch-tackled.
Mike 42 months ago
Fun Fact:
When Kelly Jean Peters and Tim McIntire did the Justice For All Pilot ...
... they were married to each other in real life.
Andybandit 42 months ago
Interesting story. I would have like her as Gloria. Gloria was an annoying character on All in the Family.
StrayCat Andybandit 42 months ago
Annoying maybe, but in those early episodes Gloria was really hot. And she got herself naked for Jack Nicholison in "5 easy pieces" the year before.
StrayCat 42 months ago
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StrayCat Wilbur88 42 months ago
Years later she came on TV promoting some kind of animal welfare i think. But by then she'd gained a whole lot of weight and was relentlessly and rather cruelly mocked. I felt sorry for her.
Zip 42 months ago
I can still hear Radar, "Ahh, Bach!"
And then her reply, "What does that mean, ahh, Bach?"
I always felt a little embarrassed for Radar in that situation there.
MrsPhilHarris 42 months ago
Interesting. Gloria is my least favourite character.
birddog MrsPhilHarris 42 months ago
I like the whole family!! But Gloria does finish last in the horse race. :))
Deleted 42 months ago
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Zip 42 months ago
Yeah, I can sorta see that.
I didn't like either character. Though Charles's girlfriend was nice, just wasn't my style. Like Charles.
42 months ago
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musicman37 42 months ago
What do you suppose it means?
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