Hogan's Heroes
Weeknights at 10 PM & 10:30 PM
eastern (on most MeTV stations)
Under the direction of Col. Robert Hogan (Bob Crane), the prisoners of Stalag 13 are actually in complete control of the POW camp, living in style and doing everything imaginable to confound the Germans, including espionage and sabotage of Nazi combat plans. Their schemes are made possible by the hapless leadership of Col. Klink (Werner Klemperer) and Sergeant Schultz (John Banner), who are both afraid of being sent to the Russian Front, making it easy for Hogan to manipulate them while he and his men fight for the Allied forces.
Next Airings
- 2/6 10:00PMTiger Hunt In Paris, A (Part 1)
"In the first of a two-part story, Hogan and Le Beau hide in Klink's staff car as the commandant heads for a vacation in Paris, but it's no holiday for Hogan. He is out to free a lovely Underground agent who's been captured by the Gestapo. (1/2 hour)"
- 2/6 10:30PMTiger Hunt In Paris, A (Part 2)
"This is the conclusion of a two-part story set in Paris. Hogan is still trying to free a French agent named Tiger, held by the Gestapo. Clever as ever, he enlists the aid of a fortune teller and a look-alike for Nazi Police Chief Heinrich Himmler to complete his mission."
- 2/7 10:00PMTanks for the Memory
"Hogan is ordered to photograph and destroy a model for a radio-controlled tank that is being tested at camp."
*available in most MeTV markets
Episode Guide
Episode Guide
Season 1
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Season 4
- Season 5
- Season 6
Ep 1: The Informer
Lieutenant Carter enters the camp and Hogan discovers a spy among his men.
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Ep 2: Hold That Tiger
The POWs smuggle a tiger tank, about which Klink has been boasting, into camp in order to photograph and study it.
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Ep 3: Kommandant of the Year
Stalag 13 is named one of the top 10 prison camps in Germany, but it's just a distraction for Hogan and his men to destroy a secret rocket bomb.
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Ep 4: The Late Inspector General
A visiting general upsets plans to blow up a train.
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Ep 5: The Flight of the Valkyrie
Because of all the "funny business" going on, Klink brings in Colonel Crittendon to replace Hogan as officer in charge of POWs. His arrival louses up plans to help a German baroness escape to England.
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Ep 6: The Prisoner's Prisoner
A British commando gives Hogan the assignment he failed at: blow up an ammo dump. Once done, Hogan uses a German general to find out where he is planning to attack.
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Ep 7: German Bridge is Falling Down
The heroes plan to blow up a bridge near camp when a bomber raid fails.
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Ep 8: Movies are Your Best Escape
Hogan must discover what is contained within the documents of a visiting German general.
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Ep 9: Go Light on the Heavy Water
Hogan plans to destroy a heavy water supply by convincing Klink it is a youth potion.
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Ep 10: Top Hat, White Tie and Bomb Sight
Hogan uses Klink to contact an Allied spy after Klink bugs the prisoners' quarters.
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Ep 11: Happiness is a Warm Sergeant
After Klink finds Sergeant Schultz drunk he gets a tough new replacement.
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Ep 12: The Scientist
LeBeau pretends to be a famous French scientist who is visiting camp while Hogan smuggles the real one out.
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Ep 13: Hogan's Hofbrau
Hogan visits a local Hofbrau to get the plans to a German army division that is camping out nearby.
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Ep 14: Oil for the Lamps of Hogan
Hogan convinces Klink that there is oil underneath the camp in order to discourage the Germans from building a synthetic fuel plant there.
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Ep 15: Reservations are Required
When Hogan tries to arrange the unscheduled escape of 20 men, his mission is complicated when a captured sergeant jumps the gun.
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Ep 16: Anchors Aweigh, Men of Stalag 13
Hogan and his men are tasked with getting an escaped prisoner and smuggled German gun sight to England. To accomplish this Hogan convinces Klink that he is fatigued and should have an officer's club in which to relax.
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Ep 17: Happy Birthday, Adolf
The guys plan to destroy a gun emplacement so the Allies can attack on Hitler's birthday.
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Ep 18: The Gold Rush
French gold has been stolen by the Nazis. Hogan convinces Klink to have it brought to Stalag 13 so the prisoners can steal it back.
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Ep 19: Hello, Zolle
Hogan tries to detain a German general at camp for 24 hours to allow the Allies to amass troops. Things get complicated when a Gestapo officer comes in search of the reason for Klink's perfect record.
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Ep 20: It Takes a Thief... Sometimes
A group of underground operatives that Hogan and his team begin working with is actually a group lead by a Gestapo captain who's set on capturing them.
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Ep 21: The Great Impersonation
Hogan gets Schultz to portray Klink in order to free three of his men whom the Gestapo has captured.
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Ep 22: The Pizza Parlor
To get a Italian officer to defect, Hogan and the gang use pizza to tempt him.
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Ep 23: The 43rd, a Moving Story
Plans to destroy an anti-aircraft battery are upset by Klink's new executive officer.
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Ep 24: How to Cook a German Goose by Radar
A new prisoner in a corporal's uniform turns out to be a general with a mission for Hogan.
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Ep 25: Psychic Kommandant
Hogan convinces Klink he has ESP in order to get the plans to a new airplane with a silent engine.
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Ep 26: The Prince from the Phone Company
An African prince comes to Stalag 13 to negotiate with the Germans for the rights to build a submarine base in his country. Hogan replaces him with Kinchloe.
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Ep 27: The Safecracker Suite
Klink's old friend brings evidence of an assasination plot against Hitler to Stalag 13, and Hogan and Klink conspire to steal it.
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Ep 28: I Look Better in Basic Black
Hogan tries to find out why three American girls were brought to camp.
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Ep 29: The Assassin
Crittendon interferes as Hogan tries to help a defecting scientist, whom they were ordered to kill.
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Ep 30: Cupid Comes to Stalag 13
Hogan helps Klink fall in love with General Burkhalter's sister to get his mind off not being promoted.
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Ep 31: The Flame Grows Higher
When a POW is caught at the processing location after Stalag 13, Hogan suspects there is a traitor in the underground. Newkirk and LeBeau help him find out who it is.
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Ep 32: Request Permission to Escape
After receiving a "Dear John" letter, Carter asks Hogan if he can escape and get back to his girlfriend.
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Ep 1: Hogan Gives a Birthday Party
Hogan hijacks a German bomber, and plans to use it to destroy an oil refinery and foil a German general who knows about the his operation.
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Ep 2: The Schultz Brigade
Klink and two other prison camp kommandants are arrested for conspiring against General Burkhalter.
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Ep 3: Diamonds in the Rough
A German officer threatens to expose Hogan unless he is paid a million dollars in diamonds.
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Ep 4: Operation Briefcase
Hogan is ordered to give a German general a briefcase containing a time bomb to assassinate Hitler.
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Ep 5: The Battle of Stalag 13
Two German officers interfere with Hogan's operations when one tries to turn Stalag 13 into an officer's retirement home the other wants to use the facilities to interrogate the citizens of the local town.
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Ep 6: The Rise and Fall of Sergeant Schultz
Hogan is stymied in the rescue of a captured member of the underground until a potential diversion appears in the form of an old WWI buddy of Sgt. Schultz.
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Ep 7: Hogan Springs
Hogan uses a broken water main under the camp to aid the escape of captured resistance fighters by creating a health spa.
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Ep 8: A Klink, a Bomb and a Short Fuse
General Burkhalter wants Hogan to defuse a bomb that has landed in camp.
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Ep 9: Tanks for the Memory
Hogan is ordered to photograph and destroy a model for a radio-controlled tank that is being tested at camp.
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Ep 10: A Tiger Hunt In Paris: Part 1
"Tiger," a female underground agent, is arrested while trying to document secret German bases and is held in Paris for questioning. Hogan and LeBeau become stowaways aboard Klink's staff car and head for Paris to free her.
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Ep 11: A Tiger Hunt In Paris: Part 2
While trying to free the underground agent "Tiger" in Paris, Hogan seeks help from a Parisian fortune teller and also enlist the aid of a man who is a lookalike for Nazi Police Chief Heinrich Himmler.
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Ep 12: Will the Real Adolf Please Stand Up?
With camp security raised, Hogan and his men are desperate to smuggle top-secret German fortifications information to the Allies. The solution? Make liberal use of Carter's remarkable impersonation of Adolf Hitler.
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Ep 13: Don't Forget to Write
Klink fails a physical and gets combat duty at the Russian front.
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Ep 14: Klink's Rocket
Hogan plans to detour the German bombers that normally attack London to a nearby Allied airbase.
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Ep 15: Information Please
After detecting an information leak in the area of Stalag 13, the Germans replace Klink with a more efficient officer, who Hogan sets up to take the fall.
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Ep 16: Art for Hogan's Sake
Hogan tries to keep a French painting from ending up in Goering's art collection.
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Ep 17: The General Swap
Hogan captures a German general to trade for an American general who dislikes Hogan.
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Ep 18: The Great Brinksmeyer Robbery
Hogan robs a bank to help pay for a map to German rocket installations.
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Ep 19: Praise the Fuhrer and Pass the Ammunition
Hogan and his men create chaos during staged war games that a ruthless Nazi colonel has scheduled near Stalag 13, replacing the exercise's fake explosives with live ammunition.
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Ep 20: Hogan and the Lady Doctor
Hogan resents having a lady scientist in charge of a mission to destroy a lab.
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Ep 21: The Swing Shift
Newkirk gets drafted into the German army while working on Hogan's plan to sabotage a ammunition factory.
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Ep 22: Heil Klink
Hogan is hiding a defecting German officer, and convinces Klink that the latter, who looks like Schultz, is really Hitler in disguise.
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Ep 23: Everyone Has a Brother-in-Law
Hogan's plot to destroy an ammunition train is foiled by Burkhalter's brother-in-law.
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Ep 24: Killer Klink
Hogan uses an incredibly original ruse to get Schultz a weeklong furlough in Heidelberg. While there, Schultz is to deliver needed radio parts to the underground.
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Ep 25: Reverend Kommandant Klink
Hogan sneaks a French pilot's girl into camp and gets Klink to marry them.
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Ep 26: The Most Escape-Proof Camp I've Ever Escaped From
Colonel Klink's "no escape" record is jeopardized when Malcom Flood, a British escape artist, lands in Stalag 13 and intends to continue his impressive escape record, a plan likely to endanger Hogan's scheduled rendezvous with an OSS agent.
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Ep 27: The Tower
Hogan blackmails General Burkhalter to keep Klink from being transferred to the Russian front for failing to keep Hogan from blowing up a radio tower.
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Ep 28: Colonel Klink's Secret Weapon
Klink suffers at the hands of a tough sergeant sent to discipline prisoners.
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Ep 29: The Top Secret Top Coat
Hogan steals a top-secret document from Klink's coat to save him from being arrested.
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Ep 30: The Reluctant Target
Hogan gets Klink to let him play camp commander so he can get a French agent released.
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Ep 1: The Crittendon Plan
Crittendon disrupts Hogan's plan to blow up a tunnel and stop a convoy of rocket fuel.
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Ep 2: Some of Their Planes are Missing
The Germans plan to send their men into England via captured planes.
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Ep 3: D-Day at Stalag 13
Hogan pulls a hoax to get a general to believe Klink is replacing him as chief of staff.
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Ep 4: Sergeant Schultz Meets Mata Hari
The Gestapo gets a female to pry information out of Schultz.
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Ep 5: Funny Thing Happened on the Way to London
Winston Chuchill's right-hand man, Group Captain "Robbie" Roberts, is shot down, captured and brought to Stalag 13. The Luftwaffe scheme to assassinate Churchill by keeping Roberts in the cooler while an impostor escapes to England to carry out the job.
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Ep 6: Casanova Klink
Burkhalter plans to get Klink to marry his sister, while a Gestapo plant has infiltrated the underground.
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Ep 7: How to Win Friends and Influence Nazis
Hogan tries to get a Swedish scientist to work for the Allies.
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Ep 8: Nights in Shining Armor
Hogan schemes to get a French courier and some Allied bulletproof vests out of Germany.
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Ep 9: Hot Money
Hogan plans to destroy a counterfeiting operation that has been set up in camp.
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Ep 10: One in Every Crowd
A prisoner offers the Nazis information on Hogan's operation in exchange for his freedom.
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Ep 11: Is General Hammerschlag Burning?
In Paris, Hogan uses an entertainer's friendship with a general and someone who went to high school with Kinchloe to get plans for the defense of Paris.
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Ep 12: A Russian is Coming
Hogan tries to get a Russian pilot, who refuses to escape to London, back to Russia.
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Ep 13: An Evening of Generals
Posing as waiters, Hogan and the gang scheme to get rid of a room full of German generals.
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Ep 14: Everybody Loves a Snowman
The guys must smuggle a U.S. bomber crew out of camp while under surveillance by Hochstetter.
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Ep 15: The Hostage
Hogan plays a waiting game with a German general. The scheming general has planted a rocket-fuel depot right outside Stalag 13 in hopes of trapping the area's resident saboteur, whom he suspects is Hogan.
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Ep 16: Carter Turns Traitor
Carter pretends to be a traitor so he can learn the location of a chemical plant.
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Ep 17: Two Nazis for the Price of One
A Gestapo agent knows about Hogan's operation and tries to leverage this knowledge to find out information about the Manhattan Project.
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Ep 18: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Klink's illness causes problems for one of Hogan's plots.
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Ep 19: Hogan, Go Home
Hogan is ordered home and Colonel Crittendon is sent to replace him.
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Ep 20: Sticky Wicket Newkirk
Newkirk unknowingly sneaks a beautiful Gestapo agent he has fallen for into camp.
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Ep 21: War Takes a Holiday
In order to get the Gestapo to release its prisoners, Hogan tricks Klink and Hochstetter into thinking the war is over.
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Ep 22: Duel of Honor
Hogan prepares Klink to flee to Argentina with information for the Allies after Klink is challenged to a duel.
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Ep 23: Axis Annie
Hogan plans to use a propaganda radio announcer to get information to the underground.
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Ep 24: What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?
A basket-weaving and a kite-flying contest are part of Hogan's plan to transport an agent to England in a balloon.
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Ep 25: LeBeau and the Little Old Lady
LeBeau tells the others he is taking messages to a little old lady, when really she is a beautiful lady he has fallen for.
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Ep 26: How to Escape From Prison Camp Without Really Trying
Hogan hides 30 prisoners in order to keep the SS busy while the Allies build reinforcements.
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Ep 27: The Collector General
Hogan tries to keep a fortune in paintings from winding up in the collection of a general.
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Ep 28: The Ultimate Weapon
Hogan plans to send German defenses to the wrong target by "giving" Schultz ESP so that the Allies can bomb an important target.
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Ep 29: Monkey Business
Hogan gets a stray chimpanzee to deliver radio parts to the underground.
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Ep 30: Drums Along the Dusseldorf
After Hogan mines a bridge, he learns that a truck of Allied prisoners would be the first to cross it and a new plan is born which includes a flaming arrow from Sioux Indian Carter, aka Little Deer Who Goes Swift And Sure Through Forest.
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Ep 1: Clearance Sale at the Black Market
After seeing something he shouldn't have, Schultz is ordered to the Russian front.
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Ep 2: Klink vs. the Gonculator
Hogan leads Klink to believe a rabbit trap is a secret electronic device in order for Klink to bring an electronics expert, who wants to defect, to camp.
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Ep 3: How to Catch a Papa Bear
Hogan unknowingly sends Newkirk into a Gestapo trap for Papa Bear.
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Ep 4: Hogan's Trucking Service... We Deliver the Factory to You
Colonel Crittendon shows up again and messes up Hogan's plans to destroy a ball bearing plant.
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Ep 5: To the Gestapo with Love
The Gestapo gets three beautiful girls to pry secrets out of the guys.
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Ep 6: Man's Best Friend is Not His Dog
A dog buries a bone containing film from Carter's camera that has images of a new German tank.
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Ep 7: Never Play Cards with Strangers
Hogan's plan to blow up a rocket fuel factory boomerangs back at him.
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Ep 8: Color the Luftwaffe Red
Hogan and his men volunteer to paint the headquarters of the Luftwaffe in order to steal an important map.
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Ep 9: Guess Who Came to Dinner?
Hogan learns his underground contact may be a double agent after he arranges for her to go to England.
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Ep 10: No Names Please
Right after Hogan helps a journalist escape from the Germans, an American paper tells of Hogan's operations at his camp.
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Ep 11: Bad Day in Berlin
A U.S. undercover agent helps Hogan and his men get a defecting Nazi officer out of Berlin.
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Ep 12: Will the Blue Baron Strike Again?
Hogan gets Klink to throw a party for WW I flying ace Blue Baron in order to find his headquarters.
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Ep 13: Will the Real Colonel Klink Please Stand Up Against the Wall?
When Carter, in disguise as the camp kommandant, is seen near one of Hogan's operations, Klink is threatened with a treason charge.
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Ep 14: Man in a Box
Hogan is ordered to capture LeBeau, but not before he lets him complete his mission.
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Ep 15: The Missing Klink
Hogan plans to kidnap Burkhalter to trade him for an underground agent but ends up with Klink.
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Ep 16: Who Stole My Copy of Mein Kampf?
Hogan plans to eliminate a beautiful allied defector who is giving Klink an award.
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Ep 17: Operation Hannibal
Hogan and the daughter of a German general try to photograph her father's plans designed to prolong the war.
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Ep 18: My Favorite Prisoner
A baroness is asked by Klink to get secrets out of Hogan, and he complies by giving her a British agent with phony invasion plans.
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Ep 19: Watch the Trains Go By
Hogan arranges for Burkhalter's sister to keep Klink occupied, so he can leave camp and blow up a train.
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Ep 20: Klink's Old Flame
Hogan uses the car of an SS man who's just married Klink's old girlfriend and is honeymooning in Paris, where Hogan needs to pass radios to the underground.
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Ep 21: Up in Klink's Room
Hogan gets himself sent to the hospital so he can get information from a wounded agent.
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Ep 22: The Purchasing Plan
Hogan and crew are ordered to deliver airdropped ammo to the underground.
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Ep 23: The Witness
Hogan faces a startling development: His captors are sending him to America to demand surrender—with a super weapon supposedly supplied by the Russians.
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Ep 24: The Big Dish
Hogan must destroy an anti-aircraft defense system designed by a beautiful English woman who may have defected to Germany.
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Ep 25: The Return of Major Bonacelli
The Italian officer who studied under Klink helps Hogan photograph an air base.
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Ep 26: Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan
Hogan's men plan to surprise him for his birthday by blowing up an ammunition dump.
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Ep 1: Hogan Goes Hollywood
Hogan plans to use an American actor in a German propaganda film to get information home.
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Ep 2: The Well
Hogan steals a Luftwaffe codebook, but must organize a special mission when Newkirk drops it down a well.
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Ep 3: The Klink Commandos
Hogan and his men volunteer for a German suicide squad train bound for the Russian front in order to steal key documents.
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Ep 4: The Gasoline War
Hogan and his men plan to destroy a gasoline station that has just been built in camp.
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Ep 5: Unfair Exchange
Hogan kidnaps Burkhalter's sister in order to exchange her for a captured Allied agent.
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Ep 6: The Kommandant Dies at Dawn
Klink is to be executed when the Gestapo finds him with information Hogan planted on him to deliver to the underground.
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Ep 7: Bombsight
Hogan plans to get the blueprints for and interfere with the testing of a new weapon.
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Ep 8: The Big Picture
Hogan plans to steal the picture that the Gestapo is using to blackmailing Klink.
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Ep 9: The Big Gamble
Hogan must prevent the Germans from getting ahold of a secret device that was aboard a plane shot down near camp.
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Ep 10: The Defector
Hogan must get a defecting field marshal to England, whom Hochstetter has followed to Stalag 13.
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Ep 11: The Empty Parachute
Hogan gets the Germans to look for an allied agent by planting an opened parachute in camp. This gives him the opportunity to get at the briefcase that was handcuffed to a courier.
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Ep 12: The Antique
Hogan gets Klink to open an antiques business selling "rare" cuckoo clocks, a business venture that is actually a ruse enabling the POWs to smuggle information out in the timepieces.
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Ep 13: Is There a Traitor in the House?
Hogan plans to send information to London by using a German radio propaganda program.
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Ep 14: At Last, Schultz Knows Something
After Schultz is assigned to guard a secret atomic installation, Hogan must get him to spill the beans on where it is located.
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Ep 15: How's the Weather?
Hogan throws an anniversary party for Klink so the POWs can make a weather forecast by using party balloons.
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Ep 16: Get Fit or Go Fight
Hogan convinces Klink to get back in shape so he won't be sent to the Russian front.
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Ep 17: Fat Hermann, Go Home
Hogan plans to get a trainload of stolen paintings back to London, but things get complicated when Marya uses Schultz to impersonate Reich Marshall Goehring.
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Ep 18: The Softer They Fall
Kinchloe fights a German boxing champ, creating a diversion for a heist Hogan is planning.
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Ep 19: Gowns by Yvette
Hogan plans to use the wedding of Burkhalter's niece to smuggle a defector out of Germany.
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Ep 20: One Army at a Time
Carter convinces the German he is one of them when he is captured in German uniform.
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Ep 21: Standing Room Only
Hogan tries to save Klink from an officer who plans on turning him in for not having balanced books.
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Ep 22: Six Lessons From Madame LaGrange
Hogan and a singer plan to stop the Gestapo from arresting all the area's Allied agents.
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Ep 23: The Sergeant's Analyst
After Burkhalter finds him sleeping on the job, Schultz is ordered to the Russian Front.
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Ep 24: The Merry Widow
Hogan sets Klink up with a female agent to deliver secret documents, but ends up sending Schultz when Klink is sent with the wrong ones.
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Ep 25: Crittendon's Commandos
Crittendon is the only one to avoid capture when he and his commandos parachute into the area during a mission to capture Rommel.
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Ep 26: Klink's Escape
Hogan gets Klink to think he is about to capture a POW escape ring.
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Ep 1: Cuisine a la Stalag 13
LeBeau decides to escape leaving the camp without a chef.
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Ep 2: The Experts
Hogan saves a German radio expert whom the Nazis want to kill.
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Ep 3: Klink's Masterpiece
Hogan convinces Klink that the kommandant is a great painter so the prisoners can meet an underground contact at an art gallery.
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Ep 4: Lady Chitterly's Lover: Part 1
An English traitor, who could pass for Colonel Crittendon's twin brother, parachutes into camp with information for Hitler.
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Ep 5: Lady Chitterly's Lover: Part 2
After Hogan becomes convinced that Crittendon can't fool Hitler, things get complicated when Chitterly escapes.
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Ep 6: The Gestapo Takeover
The Gestapo takes over Stalag 13, planning to send Klink and Schultz to the Russian Front.
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Ep 7: Kommandant Schultz
Schultz lets his new power as camp kommandant go to his head.
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Ep 8: Eight O'Clock and All is Well
Hogan finds that a new prisoner is a German spy right after he tells the man all about their secret operations.
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Ep 9: The Big Record
Klink gives the prisoners a recorder so they can send messages home, but Hogan plans on using the device to record a top-secret SS meeting.
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Ep 10: It's Dynamite
A dynamite truck, which Hogan plans on hi-jacking, deviates from its planned route.
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Ep 11: Operation Tiger
Hogan and his men try to rescue an underground leader on route to Berlin to be executed.
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Ep 12: The Big Broadcast
Hogan uses Klink's car radio to sneak a message to London when a pair of radio detection trucks enters the area.
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Ep 13: The Gypsy
In an effort to transport a German anti-radar to London, Hogan passes LeBeau off as a fortune teller after convincing Klink he was struck by lightning.
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Ep 14: The Dropouts
Hogan helps three German scientists escape to England.
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Ep 15: Easy Come, Easy Go
Hogan and Klink go to England to steal an allied airplane as part of Hogan's plan to expose Nazi spies in London.
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Ep 16: The Meister Spy
Hogan and his men pose as Nazi officers to get an American traitor to divulge the names of his German superiors.
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Ep 17: That's No Lady, That's My Spy
Newkirk poses as a general's wife to get penicillin to an ill underground leader.
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Ep 18: To Russia Without Love
Hogan arranges for a beautiful Russian spy to convince Klink that the Kommandant should volunteer for service at the Russian front. Hogan's payoff: some secret papers.
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Ep 19: Klink for the Defense
Klink is appointed defense counsel for a German officer on trial for treason who has secret plans intended for London. Hogan helps Klink prove the officer's innocence in order to secure the plans.
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Ep 20: The Kamikazes are Coming
The guys find a new rocket that has landed near camp. They are at a loss on how to get it back to England for study when Marya and her rocket-designing husband enter camp.
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Ep 21: Kommandant Gertrude
Hogan must get a U.S. general out of Stalag 13, while Klink plans to move the camp's fence line and Gertrude arrives with her fiancé.
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Ep 22: Hogan's Double Life
When Hogan is identified as a saboteur, he impersonates a German officer in front of the very Gestapo agent who could take him down.
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Ep 23: Look at the Pretty Snowflakes
Hogan and his men start an avalanche to stop a Panzer division.
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Ep 24: Rockets or Romance
Hogan becomes the partner of a beautiful underground agent when he and his men team up with the underground to destroy a guided missile battery.
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