Which of these Halloween trends deserves to stay this year?
Are these trends scary good, or a snore?

Halloween has been a fan-favorite holiday for years, but it's gone through a number of different changes in that time. In this quiz, we're giving you Halloween traditions of the far and near past, as well as some present traditions, and you decide if we should keep them up this Halloween, or send them the way of the dinosaur!
Bobbing for apples
Cabbage throwing
Pumpkin carving
Serving trick or treaters homemade treats
Haunted houses
Homemade costumes
Store bought costumes
Socially distanced haunted hayrides

Which of these Halloween trends deserves to stay this year?
Your Result...
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trunk or treating? Must be regional - for me back in the 60's it was a brown paper grocery bag filled to the hilt with Smarties ; Double Bubble ; candy bars (Mr goodbar still my fav) ; Sweet tarts ; Tootsie pops ; Bit-o-honey ; so many more
Socially distanced haunted hayrides?!? Who are these 33% brainwashed idiots that drank the Kool Aid?!?
Trunk or treating is the dumbest Halloween idea yet. Kids today are already lazy enough. Half the fun for me trick or treating was going door to door to see what I could find. I know it's all about safety now but parents should be with their children if they are young and as long as groups of kids trick or treat together its pretty safe.
66% I had never heard of trunk or treat until last year. Going from door to door was part of the thrill of Hallowe’een when I was a kid. We never had toilet papering or egging. We had fireworks.
88%. Never heard of cabbage throwing. When I was growing up mischievous kids used to throw eggs. I got hit with one once.