What TV show is being advertised in these old newspaper ads?
In this quiz, "The laughs are on the house."

You don't just read TV Guide for the listings and the articles. The advertisements were just as entertaining.
Each week, splashy images and captivating taglines made you want to tune in. It's a lost art in television marketing. "The school slob has the hots for Kimberly!" a Diff'rent Strokes ad announced. "George flies into the cuckoo's nest — and they won't let him out," a paper Jeffersons promo teased.
Below, we're going to show you 13 vintage advertisements from the pages of TV Guide and local papers. See if you can figure out the shows!
"Bullets bouncing off her bracelets!"
Image: CBS
"TV's funniest family fued!" premiered in the time slot before Taxi.
Image: NBC
"You say you can't score on the shore?"
Image: ABC
"The laughs are on the house!"
Image: NBC
"V-v-v-r-r-r-r-r-o-o-o-o-o-m… Patrolmen who dig motorcycles and girls."
Image: NBC
"Vroom! …the hottest car on television! …star of 'The Young and the Restless.'"
Image: NBC
"When it can't be done, they can do it."
Image: NBC
"The Greatest Movie Since Star Wars."
Image: NBC
"The parents want to make love! Their kids want to make a fortune!"
Image: NBC
"Television's greatest chiller movie becomes a weekly series!"
Image: ABC
"This year we're going to be popular. Even if it kills us."
Image: CBS
"He's a high school superhunk and a secret superhero!"
Image: NBC
*!!#"* and "%?!!**" declared this 1977 series.
Image: NBC

What TV show is being advertised in these old newspaper ads?
Your Result...
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The ads should make viewers realize the amount of junk the networks provided for Americans during that decade - some of it was okay, but most of it was junk. Oh, I had 11 of 13...