Sorry, Millennials, only Boomers can match these early David Bowie songs to the right albums
Do you know any songs from his debut in 1967?

Image: Deram / RCA
David Bowie was just as famous for his look and persona as he was for his music. But the iconic cosmic, glam-rock style was only one part of a long career. His self-titled debut came out in 1967 (not to be confused with his next self-titled album in 1969) and while it’s certainly off-the-wall, its sound is very rooted in the Sixties.
We’ve taken 12 songs from four early Bowie albums: David Bowie from 1967, Hunky Dory, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and Aladdin Sane. Some are well-known hits, others only the biggest fans will know. Millennials may be bringing back vinyl, but we think only Boomers can ace this quiz.
Are you a David Bowie fan? Try to match his early songs from the Sixties and Seventies to the right albums!
Moonage Daydream
Rubber Band
Watch That Man
Silly Boy Blue
Drive-In Saturday
Oh! You Pretty Things
Love You Till Tuesday
Suffragette City
The Prettiest Star

Sorry, Millennials, only Boomers can match these early David Bowie songs to the right albums
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Obviously I'm not a David Bowie fan. But I am an MeTV fan. So as a loyalist I took the quiz anyway and made of fool of myself. And I didn't get so much as a thank you.
But, being a Monkees fan, I’ll take this time to mention a lesser known album by a “David Jones” who is more familiar to me. Did you know that Davy Jones had an album before he was a Monkee? Yup! It was called....well...”David Jones” 😄.
Here’s a song from it that fits right in with his persona on the Monkees he would soon have. It’s called “Put Me Amongst the Girls” 😜
By the way, you might notice from the photo that this album is from the Colpix Record Label. That is also the same record label that a certain “Michael Blessing” was on. You might know him better from the name he used later though....Michael Nesmith. Yes. Davy Jones and Michael Nesmith were on the same record label before they even knew each other. But, It’s gets even more Twilight Zone-ish. Davy Jones and Michael Nesmith also share a Birthday, different years, but the same day; December 30th. 😳
For A Few Dollars More (1965) 2 hr 10 min-
Sergio Leone
Clint Eastwood---Lee Van Cleef---Gian Maria Volontè---Mara Krupp
Two bounty hunters with the same intentions team up to track down an escaped Mexican outlaw.
Just copy and paste the movie link then click arrow to play also put to full screen.
I have many newer movies Clint played in and directed. You are more then welcomed to come and play or just watch and chat with others. It's a friendly group of 4 to 6. Midweek coming attractions, Friday night quiz and weekend special movies. Friday night you have along with the movie quiz, entertainment, bonus movies you just take with you and watch at your whim. The rules are. Oh wait---There are no rules. All guesses are welcomed. When the movie is guessed everyone gets it under their name as winner. You ask what kind of movies. All kinds. Not only classics but newer ones too. Though usually the quiz movie is a classic one. I have movies from 1930's to 2020. Some nights you might get The Mule (Clint Eastwood movie) or Grand Torino. Even Unforgiven. Or a Superhero movie--Iron Man or classic one such as Dial M For Murder. A ton of Hitchcock movies like North By Northwest etc. A slew of horror mystery - Psycho, Scream- The Haunting, you name it. Last weekend was Stand By Me and Independence Day. Frank Sinatra movies like Suddenly, From Here To Eternity and of course the original Oceans Eleven with fellow rat pack buds. You can always check back on Friday's going back a couple of years for past Quizzes. They are at various locations I pick out for those to follow. below is an example of one such movie quiz.
Movie Guessing Quiz time......Yep time to take your best shot at guessing with some clues provided. Don't fret. If no one guesses you get more clues. Easier to the frontal lobes ones. This here block-buster should be in ones library. Once someone takes down the mystery then ALL get to share. If it was me I would sure get the lowdown where this movie is located and bookmark it to death.
It's one of those movies fit for any ole time but around Halloween it will give you the shivers just the same. Something very evil in this persons thoughts. Bound and determined to get exactly what he wishes. One way or another. It will have you gnawing on your nails and fretting on what's next to happen. Absolutely in most folks top 100 movies to watch. It is one of those 1950's block busters. Genre is one of Crime--Drama--Film-Noir. Chilling.....
We Start off with some interesting entertainment. The music series starting in 1950. Picking songs that were most popular during months of the 50's decade.3-4 songs selected each year. Along with other showings of music and movie clips or parts of a TV show such as Johnny Carson and other interesting topics.
April 1950-Teresa Brewer - Music Music Music-. .
June 1950- The Third Man-Zither music by Anton Karas- I will be showing this movie in the near future- .
August 1950- Mona Lisa-Nat King Cole- .
Hitchcock Cameos-
Ka - boom (Animation)- .
The Old Man Down The Road-John Fogerty. .
Charles Bronson; You Brought Two Too Many- Note you will be seeing this movie again soon. - .
Bonus movie #1--
3:10 to Yuma (1957 ) 1 hr 32 min--Drama--Thriller--Western
Delmer Daves
Glenn Ford--Van Heflin--Felicia Farr--Henry Jones-- Richard Jaeckel
Bonus Movie #2-
Back To The Future (1985)- 1hr 56 min-Adventure--Comedy-- Sci-FI
Robert Zemeckis
Michael J. Fox--Christopher Lloyd--Lea Thompson
MrsPhilHarris hunted this movie right down. Now we all can watch-
The Night Of The Hunter-Congrats MPH Let's all watch it.
The Night of the Hunter (1955) 1 hr 33 min-Crime--Drama--Film-Noir
Charles Laughton
Robert Mitchum--Shelley Winters--Lillian Gish
A religious fanatic marries a gullible widow whose young children are reluctant to tell him where their real daddy hid the $10,000 he'd stolen in a robbery.
If you wish to attend I can send location info 9 P.M. Friday nights Usually in one of the past stories or quiz pages selected. That way there is no normal traffic of others posting. It's for anyone on the MeTV site to take part if wished.
Watchmen 2009 Opening Scene- .
Psycho's opening credits-
A bit longer version of Psycho- .
Halloween (1978) Opening Sequence-
Do The Right Thing opening-Not sure if this is your own right thing but we have to put in Spike Lee movie opening just in case--I just work here 😉-- .
Touch of Evil Opening Shot-- .
Once the credit start rolling you know that Bill is in deep hockey. Then the music rolls with the video. You get the chills just knowing what's in store for those who left her for dead.
Kill Bill 2, by Quentin Tarantino (2004) - Opening scene-- .
Star-Lord Dance // Opening Credits | Guardians of the Galaxy-- .
Lord of War - Intro (HD)-- .
Goldfinger Theme Song - James Bond-- .
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Opening Credits-- .
North By Northwest - Opening Titles-- .
My votes go to
1. North By Northwest
2. Kill Bill 2
3. Tie Between Guardians of the Galaxy and Pulp Fiction