How well do you remember these ice cream man treats?
Hear the jingle, here he comes!

Sometimes, you just need to close your eyes and pretend it's a sunny summer day.
Today's as good a day as any to take a stroll back down those sweaty days when the ice cream man would roll into your neighborhood. We're hoping to incite some great memories with these quiz questions.
We want to see how well you remember the ice cream novelties that the ice cream man sold. So, give it a shot, and tell us which one was your favorite in the comments section below!
Bubble Play had a bubblegum ________ in the center
The classic Chipwich featured which kind of cookie?
Choco Taco was marketed under which Good Humor-Breyers subsidiary brand?
Which of these is best described as chocolate ice cream surrounded by vanilla ice cream surrounded by chocolate ice cream with a "signature cake coating"?
What flavor was the original Creamsicle?
Which brand marketed the Drumstick as "the original sundae cone"?
In the red, white and blue Firecrackers line of treats, what flavor was the white portion?
The Fudgsicle was originally sold as...
What was the King Cone's great innovation?
Blue Bunny distributed a Bugs Bunny ice cream treat. Which Looney Tune was also available, complete with bubble gum eyes?

How well do you remember these ice cream man treats?
Your Result...
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I recall going back home to visit my dad in suburbia; 4-year-old daughter in tow. One afternoon it was warm so we had only the screen door closed and I heard a very familiar tune outside. It was the very same music that the ice cream truck played when I was a kid. I grabbed my daughter’s hand, wheeled out the door only to see the truck hauling *bleep* around the corner. My dad said it was some guy who didn’t really like the neighborhood tours and preferred to sit stationary in a parking lot - but we were ready for him the next day. My daughter thought it cool cuz we lived in the country where we didn’t have ice cream trucks.
My fav ice cream by far is Butter pecan:) give me a quart and a fork (yes a fork) and I will be a termite and killing a 2 by 4