How well do you remember the very first episode of The Twilight Zone?

Can you isolate the answers from this premiere mystery?


When The Twilight Zone first premiered in October of 1959, no one knew the iconic status it would carry decades into the future. After all, Rod Serling’s creation certainly wasn’t the first anthology show on the air.

But right away Serling proved his knack for compelling storytelling with the pilot episode "Where is Everybody?" about a man lost in a deserted town.

How well do you know this classic introduction to The Twilight Zone? See if you can find the answers to this mysterious story below!

Watch The Twilight Zone on MeTV!

Weeknights at 12:30 AM
Sundays at 12:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. In the opening narration used early in the show's run, Rod Serling says a fifth dimension lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of what?
  2. When Mike Ferris walks into the café in the first scene, he hears what?
  3. What does Mike notice in the kitchen?
  4. What does Mike accidentally knock to the ground?
  5. Mike yells his food order and reveals what?
  6. What does Mike hear when he first walks into town?
  7. Mike sees a woman in a car but she turns out to be…
  8. The town square with a pillared building, here used as a high school, is a back-lot set made famous in which '80s movie?
  9. What catches Mike's attention?
  10. Mike admits he has a "crazy feeling" like what?
  11. Mike mentions which Charles Dickens character while eating ice cream?
  12. Mike remembers he's in which branch of the military?
  13. We find out Mike was undergoing a military isolation experiment to gather data for what?

How well do you remember the very first episode of The Twilight Zone?

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Jimo 45 months ago
11 out of 13 in a zone of it's own Twilight Zone!
Coloumbo 48 months ago
8 out 13 I guess the summit of my knowledge awesomeness twilight Zone is cold as hell !!! 🥶😎
EllisClevenger 48 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Did you do as well as you thought or were your expectations shattered by this quiz?
Otis49 49 months ago
Ten of thirteen, but some were guesses. I thought I knew this episode well - just not well enough.
SherryDorey 49 months ago
I got 11 out of 13, but on the two missed ones, I first thought of the correct answer and then second-guessed them!
marleo8 49 months ago
I got 10 out of the 13 questions correct 😃
Mac2Nite 49 months ago
13/13 Only because The Twilight Zone [original only] is my all time favorite TV series!
BobD 49 months ago
9/13, and I don't remember ever seeing this episode! Or did I?
EllisClevenger 49 months ago
You got 11 out of 13
Did you do as well as you thought or were your expectations shattered by this quiz?
Missed #1 and #11
cnorrn 49 months ago
11/13. Love the TZ marathon on New Years Eve!
marleo8 cnorrn 49 months ago
Me too! I’ve been watching it EVERY year for the past two decades. And occasionally I’ll come across an episode or two I’ve NEVER seen. Of course that could be chalked up to my falling asleep during the show as it goes all day and night. 😆
bobbymonte 49 months ago
12 out of 13. I should have gotten #6 correct, but didn't. I guessed on #8 and got it right, BUT, it's not a fair question. It's not really about the TZ episode !
Tlor 49 months ago
You got 11 out of 13
Did you do as well as you thought or were your expectations shattered by this quiz? (missed 3 and 4)
Runeshaper 49 months ago
10/13 - not bad considering I haven’t seen the episode in many years LOL
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