Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Mountain Wedding''

In which Andy and Barney save a marriage!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 31: "Mountain Wedding". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Barney misremembers the spelling of the word...
  2. This episode marks the first appearance of which character?
  3. An oak tree that fell across the shallow part of a creek is renamed...
  4. Andy uses which of these methods to try to wake Barney?
  5. Dud suggests the fellas play the song...
  6. Which character has an admirer that won't give it up?
  7. Why can't Andy and Barney sleep?
  8. Briscoe: "Wouldn't put it past him. He's meaner than _______."
  9. The wedding is interrupted by a...
  10. Barney dresses up as a decoy ______.

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: ''Mountain Wedding''

Your Result...

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DebMar 7 days ago
#8, "...Meaner than God in the Old Testament." Really? Gee, thanks. Ouch.
mda 12 days ago
9/10. Ernest T," You will be mine. "
Markone23 14 days ago
9/10 Love the Darlings episodes and who could not be tickled pink with the first appearance of Ernest T. Bass. "It's me, it's me, it's Ernest T.
Mark112763 16 days ago
Only got 10 out of 10 correct... I've seen the episode at least 50 times.
Opies11dawgs 18 days ago
10/10 Guess I'll go and rustle me up some fish muddle.
JamesW5150 19 days ago
That is the Robert E. Lee NATURAL Bridge actually lol
sjbang88 22 days ago
3/10 not exactly a "darling" score
Coldnorth sjbang88 20 days ago
You will do better next time
2016jessica 22 days ago
9/10 Don't remember Andy waking up Barney with a whistle.
crazyrobert 2016jessica 21 days ago
He tried but it didn't work. He snapped his fingers, that's what woke Barney.
edcrumpacker 23 days ago
10/10. "I'm a little mean but I make up for it by being real healthy" 🤭🤭🤭
Tbrew001 23 days ago
This episode had me Rollin!!! Ernest t singing was the best
crazyrobert Tbrew001 21 days ago
I wish Charlene let him sing "Eatin' Goober Peas", but it probably would have made her cry
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