Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "High Noon in Mayberry"
In which the past comes back to haunt Mayberry!

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 17: "High Noon in Mayberry". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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Barney gets a dividend from which corporation?
Meanwhile, Andy receives a letter from a fellow named...
Where did Andy shoot this fellow?
What letter does Barney miss when he spells out "revenge"?
Otis: "I never cared much for injuries, they're very ________."
When Aunt Bee hears him, Otis pretends to be a...
The same fellow that sent the letter gets off the bus carrying a ___________.
Andy sends Opie and Aunt Bee to...
To get the drop on 'em, Barney...
Which phrase is repeated by nearly every character?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "High Noon in Mayberry"
Your Result...
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10/10. One of my all-time favorite episodes. Has great Barney moments and of course the Mayberry knot tying class. Meets here every Tuesday.
I missed #5.
I’ve never heard anyone, except in Mayberry, say “Tick a lock”. In my memory, most
associated with Aunt Bee.
This is one of the few episodes, in my mind, where Andy seems most concerned and serious about his situation as Sheriff.
I missed #5.
I’ve never heard anyone, except in Mayberry, say “Tick a lock”. In my memory, most
associated with Aunt Bee.
This is one of the few episodes, in my mind, where Andy seems most concerned and serious about his situation as Sheriff.
I love this episode! Lots of great comedy with Barney, Gomer, and Otis. (Especially Gomer pointing the gun at Barney’s face in the courthouse like a complete idiot! 😂)
Tic a loc. First Barn says it at the kitchen table when Andy tells him not to worry about the fella coming to see him-the one Andy shot. End of episode Otis comes in court house to tell Andy he's sorry about the mess Barn caused them Otis says t a l, then Barn-t a l, then Andy-tal and Barney parney poo had to get it in one last time -tic a loc.(Love the Mayberry knot tying class).