Can you tell us the titles of these movies with ''Dead'' in them?

"______ of the Living Dead"


Now, we're not for a second saying cinema is dead, despite your thoughts about remakes and reboots.

No, the movie world is alive and well. They just have a lot of names with "Dead" in them. So, we're hoping you can live up to our expectation and fill-in-the-blanks to create the titles of famous movies. 

Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

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  1. "Dead ________ Society"
  2. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's _____"
  3. "________ Death Day"
  4. "________ Night, Deadly Night"
  5. "_______ of the Living Dead"
  6. "______ of the Dead"
  7. "The _____ and the Dead"
  8. "Dracula: Dead and ________ It"
  9. "Better _____ Dead"
  10. "Drop Dead ______"

Can you tell us the titles of these movies with ''Dead'' in them?

Your Result...

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Crisco 3 months ago
10/10 ...I have seen all those except #6.never even heard of it.
HopeDuchaine Crisco 3 months ago
A little bit comedy thrown in. Some Brit movies were good.
texasluva 4 months ago
10/10. Actually have 6 of these movies. Also Dawn Of The Dead (2), Day Of The Dead and Return of The Living Dead (1985). The Evil Dead and few others.
Snickers 4 months ago
10/10. I loved Shaun of the dead. Great spoof of Night of the living dead. Zombie Land was a funny one too.
Big3Fan 4 months ago
🔟 Having only seen five and eight, not bad.
texasparrow55 4 months ago
9/10. I surprised myself on this one
cperrynaples 4 months ago
Bonus Question: what 1999 beauty pagent comedy could have been an alternative for 10 [Drop Dead {Blank}]?
sjbang88 CaptainDunsel 3 months ago
Right, Drop Dead Gorgeous
Rob 4 months ago
Better off dead is a great movie! Hilarious!
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