Can you pick the one character whose TV show starts with the letter M?

Find the character from the show that that makes you go Mmmm.

Think you've got a marvelous memory for memorable characters? Muse on this!

Below, we've listed 30 classic TV characters. If you can pick out the one whose television show starts with the letter M, you'll prove you're the Master of classic TV!
  1. Pick the one character below whose TV show starts with the letter "M":

Can you pick the one character whose TV show starts with the letter M?

Your Result...

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Thestoshman 2 months ago
Isn't it Lauren Tewes from Love Boat?
WILD 40 months ago
Barney Fife appeared in the first episode of Mayberry RFD.
Tim 40 months ago
Classic picture of William Demarest!
Runeshaper 65 months ago
Got it wrong, but I had a feeling which show it was.
WILD 67 months ago
You got the right one!
Classic TV Master! Charley O'Casey was better known to audiences as "Uncle Charley" on My Three Sons.
Disappointed by this because I was expecting more than one. Not much of a quiz at all.
ndebrabant 73 months ago

You got the right one!
Classic TV Master! Charley O'Casey was better known to audiences as "Uncle Charley" on My Three Sons.
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