Can you guess the ''Andy Griffith'' character by their eyes?

Can you point out that townsperson by their pupils?


They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and there are no sweeter souls than the townspeople of Mayberry! In this quiz, we're showing you the eyes of one character on The Andy Griffith Show, and using your Mayberry knowledge, you have to identify that person!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  2. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  3. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  4. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  5. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  6. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  7. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  8. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  9. Which Mayberry resident is this?
  10. Which Mayberry resident is this?

Can you guess the ''Andy Griffith'' character by their eyes?

Your Result...

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KellyO 7 months ago
#9 is wrong. It isn’t Andy Griffith, it is Andy Taylor. 😉
caroldixon55 7 months ago
9/10 Missed #7, shouldn't have, seen them eyes many times. Good grief, it was Barney.
craigburda 7 months ago
9/10 Some were hard because they were so blurry.
IndianaRockz 7 months ago
Helen Crump was giving her usual scowling "if looks could kill" stare....prolly looking at the "fun girls".

Fun quiz! MeTV is the apple of my eye 🍎
IndianaRockz 7 months ago
Helen Crump was giving her usual scowling "if looks could kill" stare....prolly looking at the "fun girls".

Fun quiz! MeTV is the apple of my eye 🍎
RobertK 7 months ago
7 of 10. Pretty easy quiz. I probably could have done better or aced it, if I didn't blast through it so fast!
MeTvEr 7 months ago
10/10. I thought it would be harder.
DZee 7 months ago
7/10 Missed Barney, Gomer, and Aunt Bee.
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