Can you find ONE classic TV family that only had two kids?
Try to keep count of all those Cartwrights, Bradys and Waltons.

Do you have a big family? At MeTV, we have a massive family, if you count all the kids on classic TV shows.
Actually, you might have to count all the kids on classic TV shows.
We want to know if you can find the ONE family below that had just TWO kids. We're talking about the main children of the main characters — no grandchildren or friendly neighbors who hung out around the house. Think of the parents on the shows — then think of their kids.
Got it? Good luck!

Which of these 20 TV families had just TWO kids?

Can you find ONE classic TV family that only had two kids?
Your Result...
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I loved all those old shows! Grew up watching them and no swearing or rude comments back then, it was a safe time to be in.
You picked the right family!
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work!
It took 2 tries. I guessed Family Affair first, but forgot about Cissy.
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work!
It took 2 tries. I guessed Family Affair first, but forgot about Cissy.
First, I guessed My Three Sons and Eight is Enough. Then I guessed the Brady Bunch, but forgot about Peter, Jan, Bobby and Cindy. Same with the Partridge family and Danny, Chris and Tracy. Finally got it right with David and Ricky Nelson.
You picked the right family! I got it first try. They threw in Happy Days before the right answer to try and throw off the people who didn't remember Chuck. Even the writers of Happy Days forgot Chuck by the end of the series. In the series finale Howard says they only have 2 kids.
I actually thought it was a trick question. I remembered Chuck, but since they basically tossed him out with the trash after the first or second (?) season, I was tempted to pick the Cunninghams. As you said, at the end, they said they had 2 kids, not 3. I did remember that Ozzy and Harriet only had the two boys, so I picked them ultimately (though I have never seen the show).
You picked the right family!
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work! A couple of the potential answers are dead giveaways for being the wrong answer just by their titles.
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work! A couple of the potential answers are dead giveaways for being the wrong answer just by their titles.
My first pick was the Ingalls. Wasn't the boy adopted? And if he was, does he count for this quiz?
I took me 3 trys. I don't remember much about Izzy & Harriet.
Can you find ONE classic TV family that only had two kids?
You picked the right family!
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work!
You picked the right family!
Ozzie and Harriet had David and Ricky! Nice work!