Do you remember Suzy Homemaker?

It was the tiny oven of every child's dreams.

If you were a young girl in the 1960s or 1970s, chances are you probably owned at least one Suzy Homemaker product. Produced by Topper Toys, this line sold miniature versions of household appliances.

It was an opportunity for kids to make-believe they were adults before they realized how awful being an adult really was. On our archeological dig, we unearthed a few interesting products from the Suzy Homemaker line.

Let us know in the comments if you remember Suzy Homemaker, or if you owned some of these toys!

1. Bedroom Vanity


The advertisement claimed that for just $13.96, kids could own this replica of a "$2,000 French provincial vanity." The vanity included two decorator glass bottles, a perfume atomizer, a comb, and a hairbrush.

2. Vacuum cleaner


This toy actually worked! This battery-powered toy claims to be able to suck up dirt into an easy-to-empty bag. Also included is a hose with five accessories, including a floor polisher.

3. Iron and ironing board


Heated by a 10-watt bulb, this iron released a mist to gently dampen clothes so that kids could use it like a real iron. Along with the iron, this board was also included, for $6.99.

4. Dishwasher


While this dishwasher wasn't necessarily able to clean any actual dishes, it was able to rinse toy dishes, which came included. Perfect for cleaning your tiny dishes in the 1970s after enjoying a nutritious meal of Watergate Salad and some Jello! 

5. Oven


Let's be honest, this is the real star of the show. This oven was actually able to bake, with enough space for anything that you could fit into a five-inch pan. Additionally, the top burners were able to warm food as well.

6. Ice cream maker


Part of the Suzy Homemaker Sweet Shop line, this ice cream maker is not to be confused with the ice delight maker, which makes snow cones. Also included in the Sweet Shop line was a candy maker, taffy puller, and a soda fountain. These toys, along with the oven, required kids to use actual food from their kitchen in order to be able to enjoy their creations.

7. Hair dryer


Forget going to the salon! One commercial tells kids to "stay beautiful" with the Suzy Homemaker hair dryer. Just put on the hair cap and turn on the machine.

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Vintage_nyer 1 day ago
I had the vanity, the oven, the vacuum and I also had a blender. I loved playing with all of them. You can still buy them on ebay.
TeresaMusgroveJudd 4 days ago
I had the Suzy Homemaker iron and ironing board. I got it for Christmas, but I did not ask for it. My mom thought I would learn to iron with it. But I did not. I am a firm believer in removing clothes promptly from the dryer so you don't have to iron.
DeniseVarns 4 days ago
I didn't have any-- but it was fun dreaming about them and finding a box that we could color and oven on.. etc... :)
Reindeergal76 4 days ago
I had the iron, oven, and washing machine.
ArchieB 4 days ago
My sister had the Easy-Bake Oven.
CarolKelley ArchieB 4 days ago
I think the Easy Bake oven was a different toy.
itsGretchen 6 days ago
I had the vanity and the washing machine (not listed) I felt like a princess 👸
DaisyDuke67 8 days ago
I had the iron
I had an iron and ironing board but they probably weren't the Suzy Homemaker ones. My toy iron did get hot though but without the mist.
tootsieg 8 days ago
I had the oven. I remember how popular these items were.
DK 9 days ago
I had the vanity, but I wanted all of them when I was a little girl.
MrsPhilHarris 9 days ago
Wow! I would have loved most of these, especially the vanity and the oven.
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