7 things you never noticed about the Columbo pilot, ''Prescription: Murder''

Peter Falk does not appear for the first 30 minutes… and was not the first actor to play Columbo.

"Prescription: Murder" premiered on February 20, 1968. After offering the lead role to Bing Crosby (who passed on it so as not to take away from his golfing time) and Lee J. Cobb, creators Richard Levinson and William Link settled on Peter Falk to portray the deceptively brilliant Lt. Columbo. The mystery movie immediately ranked as one of ten most-watched made-for-TV movies in television history. 

Yet, somehow, Columbo would not return to television for three years. In 1971, a second pilot film, "Ransom for a Dead Man," would lead to the regular mystery series on NBC.

Because of the time gap, "Prescription: Murder" had a notably different feel to it, from the decor and costumes to the character traits of Columbo himself. For starters, it's clearly the Sixties, not the Seventies. And Falk plays his iconic role as a far more calculating, dapper detective.

These are not the only things to look out for in this brilliant 90-minute case. Learn more about little details hiding in "Prescription: Murder."

1. Peter Falk does not appear until 30 minutes into the story.


Who says a hero needs to appear in the first act? Columbo does not stroll into the picture until a half-hour has rolled by. He's got his cigar, but carries his coat over his arm, making him far more sharp-dressed. We'll get more into his fashion sense below.

2. This was not the first time Columbo had appeared on TV.


Fans might be surprised to know that this was not the first time Columbo appeared on TV screens — and that Peter Falk was not the first actor to play the detective. In 1960, Bert Freed, pictured here around the time, played the character in "Enough Rope," an episode of the anthology series The Chevy Mystery Show. And, no, Falk was not the second actor to play Columbo either!

3. This TV movie was an adaptation of a stage play.


Thomas Mitchell next played Columbo in a stage production called Prescription: Murder. The theatrical version of the mystery made its debut in 1962. Mitchell was 70 years old at the time — and passed away later that same year. It would be his last role. The pilot movie was adapted from the play.

4. Columbo's catchphrase was not quite what you remember.


As we mentioned, Falk had not quite yet developed all of his beloved character quirks for Columbo. His catchphrase, however, is there from the beginning… in a way. Fans know and quote the line as "Just one more thing." In fact, that was the title of Falk's autobiography. But in his first appearance, Falk says, "Oh, oh, one more thing before I forget." Eh, semantics.

5. This painting was stolen a few episodes later.


Gene Barry makes for a whipsmart, devilish villain in this film, Dr. Ray Flemming. Pay close attention to the art on the wall in the reception room when Columbo follows Dr. Flemming into his office. You will spot a painting of houses on a hill. That same piece of art appears in the opening scene of "Suitable for Framing," a season-one Columbo episode in 1971. Ross Martin lifts it off the wall.

6. Lt. Columbo had more stylish footwear.


Back to Columbo's notably different sartorial style. Not only is his neat haircut and crisp suit a little surprising compared to the character's iconic frumpy look, Columbo also wears tan Hush Puppies. He's, dare we say, a little preppy?

7. The house in the climax later appeared in a Simpsons episode, too.


At the end of the movie, Columbo gets his man. Of course. The climax takes place in the Stahl House, a modernist masterpiece set in the Hollywood Hills. You are not wrong if the place looks familiar. This architectural marvel, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, also appears in movies like Galaxy Quest (1999), not to mention Adam-12. It even made an appearance in "Homer the Whopper," the 2009 season debut of The Simpsons, seen here.

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FloridaTopCat 21 months ago
"Prescription: Murder" was on last night, "Great American Family" Channel runs Columbo all day on Sundays!
smrcounselingservices 37 months ago
Watching "Prescription: Murder" right now on COZI TV
staceywaltrich 42 months ago
The Inlaws with alan arkin So funny,
Also A fan since 5 years old I fell in love with peter falk the 1st episode
of columbo. I mean 1968!! I saw its very 1st run,
I never looked back, even that young I just could not wait for my man in the rumpled raincoat
LH 43 months ago
Remember him in “The Cheap Detective?!”😆
MichaelD 43 months ago
Peter Falk passed away 10 years ago, June 23rd 2011. Peace be with you! Fans continue to enjoy your wisdom on Columbo and other movies.
MichaelD 43 months ago
I first started watching Columbo 5o years ago in 1971. I lived in Canada and it was on CTV's Friday Mystery Movies alongside McMillan and Wife, and McCloud.
staceywaltrich MichaelD 42 months ago
It was Sunday for us in the US they called it "Sunday night at the movies"
They only played 1 of each so I had to wait 3 weeks for my man! but I still enjoyed
the others "though not as much" I also watched the 1st episode in 1968!
AnnePrantl 43 months ago
Columbo is one of the few shows worth watching these days. The series far out-does anything else as to content...never gets old. I purchased the set several years ago and never tire of watching them when nothing on TV is worth it. Peter Falk was the only actor who actually fit the role...miss him.
Dajj 44 months ago
Peter Falk was a great sidekick to Jack Lemmon in The Great Race, which I try to watch whenever it comes on! Very funny as a cab driver in Its A Mad Mad Mad Mad World!! A class actor!
Jaxter14 Dajj 37 months ago
It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World is an all time great comedy film and pretty much everybody that was anybody in Hollywood back then was in it.
scottygirl Jaxter14 36 months ago
I always have a old fashioned when I watch it
wwwhotshot 45 months ago
Other than Columbo and The Princess Bride I think Peter Falk was at his best as a loveable mobster in the fantastic Rat Pack classic, "Robin and the 7 Hoods", with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford and non-Rat Packer, (and the greatest crooner of all time) Bing Crosby, along with Edward G. Robinson and Victor Buono. A must see for any Peter Falk fan.
palgal96 47 months ago
Columbo my favorite 😍😍😍 show. Peter
Falk very exciting to watch.
Peter_Falk_Fan 48 months ago
I would just want to ask him, "How much did you pay for those shoes?"
Jmg74 48 months ago
Columbo started before I was born, but I came across the re-runs in the late 80's to early 90's. I've been watching ever since and have all of the seasons on DVD. Columbo is such a lovable character and made me a fan of Peter Falk. I watch faithfully every Sunday.
gene 48 months ago
peter falk was also on an ep of twlight zone
RichardKeller gene 46 months ago
And one episode of Alfred Hitchcock. I was a huge fan for years before I realized he and I share the same birthday. We also attended high schools about 10 miles apart in Westchester County, NY. He in Ossining and me in Peeekskill.
MarshaStapleton 49 months ago
My favorite Columbo episode is Etude in Black, co-starring the terrific John Cassavetes as killer orchestra conductor Alex Benedict. Cassavettes had directed his actress wife Gena Rowlands and Peter Falk in the acclaimed movie A Woman Under the Influence. Gena Rowlands herself guest-starred on the Columbo episode Playback, as the wheelchair-bound wife of murderer Oskar Werner.
segarolow4 50 months ago
I have it on DVD. Columbo was on when TV was worth watching.
Glad I can watch it anytime I like.
Great TV from the past.
Pawpaw2974 51 months ago
this episode was on just last week. honestly I was waiting for Gene Barry to put on his Cain and derby hat and start whistling the BAT MASTERSON tune

Mike 51 months ago
Just looking at that painting that Ross Martin steals in "Suitable For Framing".
Next time you see it, take a good look at the girl who helps Martin steal the stuff.
That's Rosanna Huffman - the real-life wife of Columbo's co-creator Richard Levinson.
AndreaZ 51 months ago
I watched this episode for the very first time a couple of years ago and I can see where Mad Men got some of its inspiration.
Wiseguy 51 months ago
Since Lee J. Cobb died in 1976 and Bing Crosby the following year, both would have died during the original run of Columbo...assuming it would have lasted as long with either actor.
SusanHellige 51 months ago
Cotten and Moorhead was also in Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte together
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