Guess who said it on air on WKRP in Cincinnati!

Can you separate the doctor from the Buckeye Newshawk?

"Living on the air in Cincinnati" is the perfect way to sum up every fan of WKRP in Cincinnati, which brought us behind the mic of a small radio station. 

Think you can detect the right WKRP DJ just from one quote they said on air?

Consider what you know from favorite episodes and look out for clues that point to the right personality. Good luck!
  1. “Oh the humanity!”
  2. “I almost forgot, fellow babies, booger!”
  3. “That was Scum of the Earth’s new hit, and now let’s rap to these heavy dudes here, live in person.”
  4. “All right, babies, it’s time for the doctor to lie down for a little while.”
  5. “Maybe if City Hall won’t take your garbage, you should take your garbage down to City Hall?”
  6. “Soy bean sagged, while corn popped to an all-time high.”
  7. “This is [???] here to brighten, tighten and enlighten your starlight hours, so let the games begin.”
  8. “This dark Wednesday will live in infamy.”
  9. “That’s right, we’re talking about it, sweethearts. $5,000, and the contest starts this Friday, so tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your creditors.”
  10. “Stick with us, my children, and don’t watch television tonight.”

Guess who said it on air on WKRP in Cincinnati!

Your Result...

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Kimk21 27 months ago
10/10. They should have thrown in the time Bailey was covering for Les and started reading "the news"...which was actually a list of things Johnny was going to use to relieve a hangover. Also, when Mr. Carlson and Jennifer had airtime, too. (He, when the tornadoes where going through Cincinnati, and her, when she was giving advice.)
pops1 27 months ago
I loved the show. I couldn't stop laughing while taking the quiz.
Snickers 32 months ago
10 out of 10. Loved this show.
Olivia_Reed 33 months ago
I watched WKRP from the 1978 pilot to its bitter cancellation by CBS in 1982. It had just reached #1 in the Nielsen ratings when it was cancelled right in the middle of a very interesting plot. I knew every episode by heart. One of the best, funniest shows ever made, with a stellar, perfect cast.

Rest in peace, Frank Bonner and Gordon Jump. We loved you.

FestusFan2312 35 months ago
10/10. Open your ears wide and say “ Give it to me straight Doctor, I can take it!”
JDnHuntsvilleAL 56 months ago
Again, too easy. And how about some quotes from other characters?

1) "Then I'll cry in my car on the way home."
2) "Oh, I invited him. But on the way up the stairs his knees sort of gave out. But he took a rain check."
3) "As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."
4) "Well, uh... you're gonna think this is a little crazy at first, but uh... I think he's black."
5) "I got a monkey on my foot!"
6) "This is WKRP in Cincinnati, with more music and Les Nessman."
7) "The City of Cincinnati has just been attacked by the godless... tornadoes!"
8) "These changes... they wouldn't necessitate the playing of rock 'n' roll music, would they?"
9) "Look, Herb. Did you know that it's against the law to discriminate on the basis of sex? "
10) "Why don't we Watergate it?"
BONUS) "OK. Go ahead and shoot. But you're gonna have to answer to Engineers Local 6-0-1 if I don't get my lunch."
Let's see if I can ace your quiz (great quotes!!!):
1. Bailey Quarters
2. Jennifer Marlowe
3. Arthur Carlson
4. Bailey Quarters
5. Arthur Carlson
6. Venus Flytrap
7. Les Nessman
8. Arthur Carlson
9. Bailey Quarters
10. Johnny Fever
BONUS: Bucky (only appeared in a few episodes)
cometbradley Olivia_Reed 18 months ago
Did you know that the guy who played Bucky (Bill Dial) wrote the "Turkeys Away" episode?
pellinigroup 60 months ago
Not happy about WKRP leaving the schedule. Remember, there is a reason why CBS cancelled Green Acres, yet you have decided to put it on in place of WKRP.
JDnHuntsvilleAL 63 months ago
One of my all-time favorite shows.

Oh, and it's Thursday, Les.
EllisClevenger 63 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Way to open your ears real wide, WKRP expert!
Kirsten 63 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
Way to open your ears real wide, WKRP expert!
AndrewHass 63 months ago
I was 9/10 but on most i just guessed.
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