Are these titles of M*A*S*H letter episodes or pop songs?

Test your memory for M*A*S*H's best letters home.

On M*A*S*H, mail call was like a fresh breeze bringing tidings from home, and quite often, the show paused to delve further into a character's life through letters they sent home from the 4077th.

These episodes were typically called "Dear ______" with either a name, nickname or familial term to offer a clue to the viewer who each letter episode is addressed to.

The funny thing is, there have been many successful bands and pop singers who also turned letter-writing into hits, with songs released from the 1950s through the 1990s using the same naming convention as these favorite M*A*S*H episodes.

Think you can tell the difference between a M*A*S*H letter and a letter that climbed the pop charts? See if you can put pen to paper and guess the right answer every time. Good luck!

Watch M*A*S*H on MeTV!

Weeknights at 6 PM, Sundays at 7 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Dad"?
  2. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Prudence"?
  3. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear John"
  4. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Sigmund"?
  5. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Uncle Abdul"?
  6. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Landlord"?
  7. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Sis"?
  8. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Mama"?
  9. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Ma"?
  10. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Mr. Fantasy"?
  11. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Mildred"?
  12. Was there a M*A*S*H letter episode called "Dear Peggy"?

Are these titles of M*A*S*H letter episodes or pop songs?

Your Result...

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tbrian 4 months ago
You got 11 out of 12

Missed on Dear John
Cowgirl 36 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
This score is definitely something to write home about. Good job keeping in touch with pop culture!
RickeyMulkey 49 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
This score is definitely something to write home about. Good job keeping in touch with pop culture!
idkwut2use 56 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
This score is definitely something to write home about. Good job keeping in touch with pop culture!
ChuckJohnson 56 months ago
I take issue with "Dear John". Chopper pilot The Cowboy got a "Dear John" letter.
cripplious ChuckJohnson 49 months ago
The episode wasnt named Dear John and that's what they asked.
Jayme ChuckJohnson 49 months ago
A lot of characters got those. I was thrown becaue I swear that was the episode where SGT Zale got one. Not even that one.
AndrewHass 61 months ago
I was 12/12 but i think that was an easy quiz.
DouglasMorris 61 months ago
11/12! missed#9. the dear ma radar one did me in!
MrsPhilHarris 61 months ago
12/12 Klinger looks like he is wearing fur opera gloves.
anthony 61 months ago
11/12.Only missed the dear ma radar one.Don't remember that one.
cperrynaples 61 months ago
8/12! All my misses were MASHes! Fun fact: Dear John is also a Judd Hirsh sitcom on Antenna TV!!
MrsPhilHarris cperrynaples 61 months ago
I loved that show. At least when it originally aired.
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